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  1. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Shes kinda slow but she will be fine Can u give me more info about that container coat for roots control? Though,today i bought 5 gal container and with coco u can grow trees with that amount.And this is only for flowering.Veg only 2 gal.. Will i gain something from that coat,how do you think?
  2. P

    Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow

    Female seeds confirmed that C99 is 50day strain. Basically the THC level will be at it's peak at around 50 days and after that the THC will slowly start converting to CBD. So, the longer you leave them going, the higher the CBD will become. post no.1568...
  3. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Its hard to remember corectly,but once Ive red that indica genetics was added to original KM maybe 10years ago and high lost its beauty.But im not sure about which breeder are original or not..
  4. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Now i see.. :)
  5. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Actualy if you look at that grow journal you will see strong plant.And with CFL It seems KM stems are even stronger than C99. And if you do a lot of suppercropp you can manage situation easier.Just a tought. Peace.
  6. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Congratulations! That reminds me few KM grow journals i've red before.Nice plant.For example But some say the high from it is very active,but its imposible to get stoned from it.I really...
  7. P

    Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow

    Maybe Thundercat is right about first day of flower should be with pistils.But hey,i was told this by man who should flower only when plant is mature and that is day 28 for C99,maybe 30. You flipped at day 21 so it makes sense to wait for pistils. Another moment,article i gave you clearly shows...
  8. P

    Flower to veg

    I flushed after harvest and then feeded 2weeks with low to medium strenght of veg fert solution.And after two weeks she started to grow non stop like normal veg plant. Of course u need to leave little flowers,this is the place new growth ocurs. I cut 80% mass of roots before transplant,it seems...
  9. P

    Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow

    I can only repeat,if you want more energetic high chop it at 49-52.Or at least few colas to compare. When u chop trichomes still mature,so if u chop it too late they only get worse with time.Mine after a month are less energetic too. Some readings about trichomes...
  10. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Is KM ok? Im sure shes fine,mine seeds always takes more time i remember once i first tried to germinate chillies.After first few days on heated pads i was worried,after a week i was in panic and found out that they need 1.5 month of germination...
  11. P

    Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow

    From flip day. I vegged for about 45days so flowers was already there.Second grow pistils showed only on day 10 because of the stress ive done,but it still counts. This weed is being famous for trippy high and after day 52 u really loose it. Of course u can leave some colas or popcorn to...
  12. P

    Mucky’s Female Seeds C99 EBB & Flow grow

    Hi, bice plants MuckyDucky. Im growing C99 too.On 2nd grow now. There are multiply reports about this strain that it reaches max THC potency at flower day 49-52 when trichomes are still mosly clear.After that window she will only degrade.High will be on the mellow side too. I harvested at day...
  13. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Greets, well first about supercropping.There is no doubt it helps to strenghten the stems,main question is how much stress it make to the plant? It vary from strain to strain.Some people pinches the stems in late flowering and do not see any issues. So,my Cindy after rude supercropping and...
  14. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Hi, many keepers u have here on the table.Definately need to make some seeds too I had two C99 seeds from the same batch.First was very lanky sativa.Now, the second bean ,shows more indica genetics.Leaves are wider,she eats twice as many nutrients too. Remember my last post i said at flip i...
  15. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Greetz, after reading this i decided to make an experiment in my second grow ,at flip day today i choped off a lot of foliage ,left only 8 branches and for thicker stems i used supercropping technique by bending stems. I know i lost some time and yield doing this but in the 3rd grow i will grow...
  16. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    ThaProdiG yeah will do it everytime since now.Some people even prefer hash over bud.So far i can say its smooth,you cant feel it when you smoke.In the other hand cindy flowers are very smooth too..
  17. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Aaaa ,i made a mistake again...Dried stems with buds for 3 days and realised they are too dry now to cure ,only 40% RH left :( Buds are so airy and dried fast....Live and learn. Collected ~50 grams,maybe i get 5g more from popcorns,and will collect ~5g hash...Its enough for me,but will try...
  18. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Yeah trimming is a pain,but if you look closely its minor part of labor if you take entire grow. I got more familiar with c99 theese days...Damn, one day i took two small bong puffs in a row and oh boy.As i said i wasnt familiar with sativas high before and maybe thats why i was so...
  19. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    Few words about hash which i collected yesterday.Ive got 3grams.Didnt weighted trimmings,but people say they get 10-15% of dry trimmings this way. After shaking leaves i noticed they were still quite frosty,so maybe too little ice or shake.I heard with dry trimmings trichomes falls off easier.So...
  20. P

    150W CMH sativa garden

    I'm not an expert on trimming,but i think since you go for quality you have to trim those leaves,because it should taste better. I trimmed as close as i could. And since they are so frosty they will make good hash.Even from stems (will use them too) people extracting a lot of hash with gravity...