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  1. F

    Quick question about yield

    If you have access to sunlight you can change the game quie a bit. Use the 150 watt as a suppliment and if you can let nature increase your yield.
  2. F

    Bossman88188 gdp medical grow

    Thanks man,thats what I needed to know. Hit me up if you ever have a question and Ill try to help.
  3. F

    maximum flowering hours

    From what I understand the thc glands are the plants way to trap pollin. I've been told that twards the end of flowering if you decrease the hours you lights are on to 10\14 the plant thinks its late in the season and tries to catch anyting, so it expresses more glands to increase the chance of...
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    Bossman88188 gdp medical grow

    Aside from the mold your set up is pretty tight. I was curious, I just started growing gdp and was curious how tall do you let them get before you start flowering. What kind of yield do you get from one plant. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the outstanding work!
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    1st time grow

    You are absolutely right. 24\0 produces the most rapid growth. And thats hardly natural ,the sun usually sets once a day. But it looks like you have all your ducks in a row keep it up!
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    maximum flowering hours

    I thought all stress wether it be photoperiod or physical abuse, would only decrease yield. But I have never tried it so I may have to put on the lab coat and check it out. You never know.
  7. F

    first timer--anyone have feedback?

    First off plants look really good. They seem to have a heavy sativa influence. What strain? As far as smell goes a charcole filter can do wonders. Have it set up so you can cycle all the air in your room every 30 min, you might want to consider buying a slightly larger filter than you need...
  8. F

    Is the same plant dying again?

    With a set up like that you can use nutes up to 3 weeks before harvest, but due to the lack of watter and stress ,I would give it a weak b vitamin solution to help get it back on its feet and when its looking good again, go full strength.
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    Purple Urkel! First Grow

    Using rooting hormone will dramatically up your survival rate. I use 24 hour light right from the get go. In a humidity dome and w/ a heating pad. I have never found an advantage to altering your photoperiod untill flowering. I use a foot long t-5 and I root 50 clones under it. Keep the...
  10. F

    Is the same plant dying again?

    The color of the plant seems ok. Are the leaftips brittle or supple, brittle tips indicate overfert. And checking the root temp is a good idea. Look for nice bright white roots with plenty of fuzzy feeder roots. Have you ever used this peticular set up with the same strain. Just some things...
  11. F

    new plants new lights newbie

    How tall are they, what strain?