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  1. B

    pH RAPIDLY Climbing

    Sorry I'm not using hydroton and I have no idea why I typed that, I'm using Grodan ... ><
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    pH RAPIDLY Climbing

    Is it possible it's caused by Algae? And if so, how can I get rid of it?
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    pH RAPIDLY Climbing

    Yup I soaked it for 45 min then rinsed then soaked it in the grow water for another 10 min...
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    pH RAPIDLY Climbing

    The pH in my 3 gallon reservoir is climbing through the roof. I'm balancing it three times a day... The plants are three weeks into veg and they are very healthy... there are currently only three plants using that reservoir. I'm growing in hydroton medium and I just changed the water Monday...
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    Different Cycles Debacle - Help Please :)

    Bump from the third page... anyone?
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    Different Cycles Debacle - Help Please :)

    I germinated a first batch of 10 seeds and despite having the perfect conditions, only 3 germinated... I had to acquire additional seeds which took a while and so now I have one batch of three which are currently in my setup and on week three of veg while I have another 6 which are just...
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    Barney's Farm (G13 Haze & SweetTooth)

    Here's a quick update on the seedlings :) The G13 Haze seems to have a MUCH thinner main stem than the SweetTooth but they produce leaves and nodes much faster. The SweetTooth tends to grow the leaves larger and takes a bit longer to produce its additional nodes and leaves... Just what I've...
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    Barney's Farm (G13 Haze & SweetTooth)

    Well they aren't necessarily the same seeds. Two breeders may offer the same strain or cross but they usually have been selectively bred differently. For example, another breeder may offer G13 Haze but through selective breeding they may exhibit different traits... I went with Barney's Farm as...
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    Please Diagnose, Pests?!

    Thank you for the reply! I don't have a humidity sensor but it should be pretty good in there. The pH however is climbing rapidly all the time. I balance to 5.7 and in about 4 - 6 hours it's up to 6.2 ... Keeps on climbing. I have to balance it about 3 - 4 times a day... The roots...
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    Please Diagnose, Pests?!

    Please Help!
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    Please Diagnose, Pests?!

    The first image posted titled, "First" was taken of a two week old plant I posted about on a previous thread due to its deformed leaves... Small spots have now begun appearing on this plant as well as another. It seems the spots are appearing as leaf deformation begins... I've posted pics of...
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    Barney's Farm (G13 Haze & SweetTooth)

    Will do. I'm actually using a BloomBox as well so I'm going to post a full review of that :) I know, I know... it's over priced... but the quality of the construction and the time it saves really made it worth it for me personally. I'm only growing for personal use so I don't need a lot of...
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    Barney's Farm (G13 Haze & SweetTooth)

    I thought I would post my experience with both the G13 Haze and SweetTooth seeds from Barney's Farm. I ordered 10 of each feminized... I have only a 50% germ rate with the G13 Haze, the seeds are very small and not all that healthy. About 25% will take off immediately and 25% will take off...
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    seed problem

    Never tried that I've got another four that just went into plates and another four Sweettooth as well. I'll let ya know the results :)
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    Please Help My Little One

    Thanks it's actually just a little Canon SD point and shoot but it does a nice job :) And thanks for the stress relief! It's not growing nearly as fast as the other though :(
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    Please Help My Little One

    Anybody? They're pretty good pics at least ;)
  17. B

    seed problem

    Good luck man I had only 3 out of 10 seeds germ of Fem G-13 Haze ... They were under perfect conditions ... very sad...
  18. B

    Plant Fell Over, How Do I Treat?

    Depending on what medium you are using you can either bury it almost up to the leaves or you can use a little toothpick and string to tie it up a little support. I had one stretch on me in rockwool and ended up ripping open a cube and wrapping it around the stalk. Kept her (hopefully)...
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    Please Help My Little One

    My plants have been in veg under a 125W CFL for about a week and a half now. They are all doing great except for this single plant. I can't tell if it's a nute deficiency or whatnot. I've tried comparing to many of the photos on the site but I really can't tell... The pH is 5.7 although keeps...
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    Stretching Solution?

    I was also considering scrapping the sides of the stalk and dabbing some rooting solution on there... then wrapping it with moist rockwool :P If anyone would like to comment on that if they've tried it :P It might allow the seedling to turn the stalk into root and increase intake :P