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  1. Caddywampus

    Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost

    such a beauty! damn i wanna try a soiless grow ><
  2. Caddywampus

    KuckCanucks Cataract Kush Grow, 3 Plant Organic

    Holy shit KC they look bomb! Man those leaves are so damn green and glossy they almost look fake lol. Very impressed man!
  3. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Thanks b.real I will tone it down a little bit! I just flushed them the other day so my next feeding I will cut down on the N...maybe just not give them any grow big at all :)
  4. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Update time. Trimmed some excess foliage that was starting to turn yellow. What do you guys thing? Any deficiencies showing?
  5. Caddywampus

    Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost

    Damn Stone they looking sexy as hell! I am definately going to have to try an indica strain here soon :). Can't wait to see how they do in flowering
  6. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Thanks b.real!
  7. Caddywampus

    KuckCanucks Cataract Kush Grow, 3 Plant Organic

    Awesome update KC. Yea its been getting hot here as well but I finally worked up the courage to point all my outlet fans for the heat outside my window haha so now I finally got a cooler room. Plus it helps to crank down the AC pretty low. Keep em coming KC!
  8. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Another update after a flush. Some shots of the seed production Random head Damn I got my ph shit DOWN! :-o A shot of them during the flush
  9. Caddywampus

    KuckCanucks Cataract Kush Grow, 3 Plant Organic

    Damn that looks soooo good bro!
  10. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    excellent! Can't wait :). It will be my first go at an indica....hopefully its very similar :) Heres a quick shot of some of them closeup this morning...coming into week 5!
  11. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Thanks b.real I will keep an eye on them Yea I didn't know that either until not too long ago haha check out the link KC gave me for the seed production tutorial! Seed Production Tutorial Dude I am loving this so much. Can't wait to start getting my own strains going and just...
  12. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Looks like they took to the pollen nicely. The pistils are dying off just like u said KC! Thanks guys. heres an update after another heavy feeding.
  13. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Got a quick question. Should there be a set time where I should probably stop feeding them N based nutrient like my grow big. They were pretty dry a few hours ago so i gave them another heavy feeding. 2 feedings ago was the heavy feeding, followed by a 10 gallon flush, and now another heavy...
  14. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Wow that looks nice! I am very interested! Thanks stone appreciate it!
  15. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Thanks b.real! That acid/diesel sounds really nice...I might have to try that one next :) Thanks KC! couldn't have done it without u guys!
  16. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Thanks B.real I think I should be fine though...hopefully haha
  17. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Just pollinated 3 heads. We shall see what happens :). Seemed simple enough. I took a piece of cardboard and wrapped it around the bud as to not accidentally get it on other buds. Used a baking brush to grab the pollen from the jar and rub it all over the bud. the heads smothered in...
  18. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Awesome thanks KC! I will try this out to see what happens :)
  19. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    So am I still a few weeks away before brushing some pollen into these girls?
  20. Caddywampus

    Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost

    Looking good Stone can't wait to see how these turn out :)