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  1. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Thanks man! I think the cola was damn near getting burnt so luckily I am tying them down using the corners of my tent. I am so glad I am only left with 1 starting from 10 because no way in hell would I have had room. Plus ur right....I shouldn't have vegged for so long....oh well we all gotta...
  2. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Quick Update: ***EDIT Forgot to mention, I am using 5 gallon pots this time around vs 3 gallon :)
  3. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Quick update....looking good!
  4. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Okay So I trimmed the bottom leaves down, I watered with more nutes as well, and I trained the top cola to bend downwards. I accidentally snapped it a little like if I were to super crop it but maybe not that extreme....It should be fine though. At least its about 1 foot away from the HPS now...
  5. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Thanks for this! I am curious on what you come up with. Do you have a journal for these?
  6. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Thanks for the very thorough reply! I had moved my lights to its maximum height a few days ago and I just looked this morning and the plant is damn near right at the top again. Holy shit this girl is growing INCHES/day. I am definately going to be tying down my tops....mainly the main cola...
  7. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Yes I didn't realize how tall she was going to get until I switched the lights and noticed I had to lift my lights almost completely to the top. Favorite smoke eh? Well I am glad I am at least starting on a really nice strain. I promise this next grow I will let it go for a shorter veg...
  8. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Well it helps that I don't smoke so I am not really tempted hahah. Awesome I just googled the pictures and you sir are correct! Thanks for that info that is very good to know.
  9. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Thanks man. Yea they said this strain should be flowered like 12 weeks or so...but we will see how they look later. So the thin leaves its more of a sativa?
  10. Caddywampus

    Better Grow - Super Silver Haze Round 2

    Hey Guys. Thanks for everyone's help with my first grow. I learned many many new things that I will be using for this grow. As of now, I started another set of Super Silver Haze (5 seeds) and only 4 of the germinated. Here is how they look as of right now: My Plans Grow them in my veg box...
  11. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Here is my baby as of Monday. Sorry I forgot to post this on Monday. It is just about 4 feet tall right now!!! It is almost 2 weeks since switching the lights to 12/12
  12. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Good idea. I am gonna check tomorrow morning to see if they are too close to the light. If so, I am going to tie them back some. Yea I am thinking it will be perfect timing :)
  13. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Hahah yea Its been about 11 days since I started flowering and its already damn near too tall. By the way I am starting my second round of Super Silver Haze in veg grow box so I will start that journal soon :). This one is going to get LST and topped off multiple times......A couple of them...
  14. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Yea the male already has tons of balls clustered up on the nodes....I cut him up yesterday and threw him out. I was.......sad :(
  15. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    haha alright thanks. Man this one is getting really tall!!!! I am not sure how much more room I have to move my light up.....shit
  16. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Yea I think thats what I am going to do then. What are your thoughts on reusing the soil from a male plant? Or just reusing the soil in general?
  17. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Sweet thanks for reassuring me....soooooo what should i do with the male? Any specific way on how i should go about disposing him?
  18. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    Man have these babies grown. I got good news and bad news. 1 is a male I Think? and the other is definitely female Male? Female!
  19. Caddywampus

    Wanted to try a grow, so here we go... C99

    Wow they look amazing! I didn't even realize that you could top that early. I am always hesitant because it looks like you are killing the plant....when in reality that's not the case at all. I will definitely by trying some C99 for my next grow. Keep up the great work!
  20. Caddywampus

    First Grow - Super Silver Haze

    replaced ballast + watered + nutes + lights to 12/12 + switched to HPS bulb = BACK IN BUSINESS!!! I also left my T5s for side lighting :)