First Grow - Super Silver Haze


Well-Known Member
Crap didnt get a chance to post some pics last night but I will do it today for sure. I contacted the company again and now they finally gave me an RMA number so the ballast will go out today. I am thinking when the ballast comes back, its time to switch the lights to 12/12....WOOOT!

I will post the pics tonight


Well-Known Member
Yeah probley will be I think I saw ur pic ove Ron the concentrates section do you blast man I'm. Just getting into it.


Well-Known Member
As promised here are the warlocks:

The one on the left is 22 inches tall and the one on the right is 23 inches.

You said you saw my pic over on the concentrates section? Where? I am not sure what you mean



Well-Known Member
Well ur profile pic of the plant u have like you posted something I don't remember what though are you into concentrates?


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh lol no I am a newbie and RIU lets you choose a default avatar.....those are ones that they have for you to use....that's not me at all :o)


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh lol no I am a newbie and RIU lets you choose a default avatar.....those are ones that they have for you to use....that's not me at all :o)
Oooooo haha sorry man I didn't know they had default ones that's funny

Also there really going to get there stretch on now should blow up and like double in size your going to have some big plants.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha no worries. I hope they dont get TOO big. I know the plants are a sativa which can get really big but hopefully a perfect size for the tent.


Well-Known Member
My ballast should come back tomorrow and I will post pics then. Nothing much has changed since last week besides them getting a little bigger but I think im switching the lights to 12/12 and replacing the MH bulb with an HPS tomorrow when the ballast comes . They have been vegging for about 55 days. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
My ballast should come back tomorrow and I will post pics then. Nothing much has changed since last week besides them getting a little bigger but I think im switching the lights to 12/12 and replacing the MH bulb with an HPS tomorrow when the ballast comes . They have been vegging for about 55 days. What do you guys think?
Oooo00000 man yeah u might want to read up on some supper cropping or just practice tiring my o.g had a good amount of sativa in them and they tripped from when I went to 12/12 so you can expect some 4 footers ha should fill the tent nicely ha.


Well-Known Member
sweeeeet im excited! I don't want to try anything too crazy like super cropping since this is my first grow. Perhaps my next grow I will try everything I can think of so that I have something to compare it too.


Well-Known Member
Crap stupid fedex required a signature so they didnt leave it at my door. They are coming again today but this time I signed the damn form and so they will leave it in front of my door.


Well-Known Member
replaced ballast + watered + nutes + lights to 12/12 + switched to HPS bulb = BACK IN BUSINESS!!!

I also left my T5s for side lighting :)



Well-Known Member
Man have these babies grown. I got good news and bad news. 1 is a male I Think? and the other is definitely female




Well-Known Member
Yea I think thats what I am going to do then. What are your thoughts on reusing the soil from a male plant? Or just reusing the soil in general?
I wouldn't re use it on another ganj plant ha maney like a vegetable or something else your growing or to bury in some of your stalk to help with support because it will start leaning when it gets big buds on it if it's too tall and dosnt have a good anchor. I'm starting to run into this problem my last week and it is really frustrating me ha.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't re use it on another ganj plant ha maney like a vegetable or something else your growing or to bury in some of your stalk to help with support because it will start leaning when it gets big buds on it if it's too tall and dosnt have a good anchor. I'm starting to run into this problem my last week and it is really frustrating me ha.
haha alright thanks. Man this one is getting really tall!!!! I am not sure how much more room I have to move my light up.....shit