Flipped on Sunday and counted that as day 1 so today makes day 5. If I was supposed to wait one light cycle and then start, this is day 4; what do you guys do? They are stretching as I expected, 3 are about 15-16" and the one is only up to 10" or so. She is the last picture of this bunch. To look at her, she seemed to be a little dry and brittle on one side and more healthy on the other. She has been the closest to one of my oscillating fans and that is the side that seems to be getting desiccated. I have moved the fan and repositioned the other so she is not getting so much constant wind and we'll see if that helps. It was pretty close and had her flapping pretty good 24/7. Temps are holding at 75F during lights on and down to 66F lights off. I use the cool mist humidifier lights on to maintain humidity of 38-41%. The humidity was going to between 45-50% lights out, so I ran my dehumidifier the last two cycles to see what setting did best. Continuous on got me to 31% and the next setting that would turn on/off got me to 35% lights out last cycle. I want to run it during flower to help with mold, what do you guys think lights out max humidity should be? I've got good air movement with the fans so I'm thinking if I can keep it in the 30's% humidity I should have no mold issues. I'm trying to think what it would be like outside in the fall and simulate that. I watered 2 days ago with 1 liter each and they were pretty dry after 2 days; pots were nice and light. Gave them a good soak with 2 liters each today (water and epsom salts for some mag.) Last feeding was on flip day, next probably Saturday. Runoff PH tested between 6.2 and 6.5; thanks Kite for the help getting that up. Being my first grow that I've ever gotten to this point, I'm pleased and only hope for the success of PuffDat, LG, A & C, and Mechanical with their C'99s.
Kite: If you're still in Vegas, I'm jealous as hell.
PD: Veg went quick, now I don't want to screw up the flower.
Brewer7: Thanks and I owe the topping to Uncle Ben and everyone's wisdom here. It has been a good decision. Good luck with yours and happy cloning. Be patient, the first 3 weeks are SLOW.
Pitt: Thanks again. I hope to keep them good looking for about another 7 weeks. Interesting recipe too.
TC: Thank you and I hope so.
Dragon: Stay tuned and we'll see. I found your thread and sub'd it too. Always looking for info from the experts. Good luck with your plans.
A & C: Thanks. I had to flip with only 430W, couldn't wait too long.
The biggest (left rear)
Next Biggest (right rear)
A little thinner (left front)
Smallest (right front)