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  1. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Anyone know how long ak48 by nirvana needs in flower ? ? ?
  2. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Ok so its been 4 weeks into flower, lots of pre flowers and lots of olng white hairs but still no sign of buds am i doing something wrong or is it a waiting game ???
  3. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Nevermind about the alternating nodes i stopped being a lazy git and looked it up.
  4. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    S**T i just mixed a bottle of nutes with pk in it...... how long will it last in the bottle with water ??? and can u explain what alternating nodes are ?????
  5. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    bump on the pk13/14 question ??
  6. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Ok i took some pictures of the white hair explosion that happened over night, im sure this is a good sign, do i need to add pk13/14 now or when the buds start to form, im currently using canna terra floures and canna bud boost both at full strength.
  7. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    I let this one veg for 32 days from seed, its my only plant so i am trying to take good care of her. As of last night lights out and back on this morning there has been an explosion of white hairs all over her im hoping its a good thing, i tried taking pictures but it does not do the growth justice.
  8. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Im using a mix of 2 parts organic compost one part worm castings one part percilite one part vermiclite
  9. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Thanks sworth did you look at the pictures does it seem fine to you ???
  10. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Ok i am now on day 12 of flower, i dont know if im being impatient but there is no signs of buds yet, daily growth at the top and plant looks good i think, cant see any issues ? ? ? I only flipped the nutes 4 days ago so will that be a factor any help will be much appreciated...
  11. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Hi all thanks for the replys thought i give you an update and i took some nice photos to show you all, we are now on 8 days of flower and 1 day on flower nutes and boost, lots of new growth at the top of the plant as you can see from the pictures, if the buds smell anything like the stalk then...
  12. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    Money is tight was going to get this one down and then get a 400w mh and a 400w full hps as my ballast can use both, and maybe a cooltube as temp is an issue in my tent.
  13. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    What do you mean by pruning technique ? ? ? I was just going to let her grow as she wanted, going to change the nutes over in a week, i have already added canna boost to my veg nutes please any help and advice will be taken on board.
  14. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Thank you all, im a well proud dad to a baby girl lol. i keep you poasted with pictures.
  15. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    I planned to grow 4 plants, unfortunatly 3 seeds did not germinate as my heat pad failed and one pulled through,so i got all that space so decided to veg for as long as poss to get a nice big plant.
  16. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    Ok so im 32 days into veg she is about 18 inches high are these mini flowers a good sign and does it mean it is ready to go 12/12 ???
  17. taffythegrower

    Newbie first grow need your thought on this picture

    Hi all im 32 days into veg, the strain is ak48, im using a 400w dual spectrum hps, using canna nutes grown in my own soil. Is this mini flower a good sign and does it mean it has reached sexuall maturity and ready to go 12/12 ??? Was thinkigh of changing this weekend anyway due to size of the...
  18. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    Great thanks for the heads up i will keep you all posted with pictures over the net few weeks.