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  1. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    Ok should i change them over during the light on period or just before it goes dark ??? Thank you for the input
  2. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    So can i use the hps dual spectrum to veg and flower ???
  3. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    Oh and the weather is real messed up at the moment so i got to keep an eye on temp, it can drop to 20c and go above 30c im trying to keep it to 25-27 buy turning on the hps to heat up and fans to cool down.
  4. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    im not using a mh for veg im using 3 flouresent tubes...... i got the 400w hps dual spectrum for flowering.
  5. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    Thanks guys, is it normal for the branches to double up i mean on the nodes i have double branches coming out of 1 node so 4 branches to 1 node ? that is worded rubbish but its the best i can do to describe ??? Think i will leave it veg for another 3-4 weeks as thsat seems to be the advice im...
  6. taffythegrower

    Please have a read and reply

    Hi everyone, this is my first grow and so far i have had a few setbacks but now i am up and running, i am using a my own mix of soil ( a good organic soil, perlite,vermiculite and fresh mole castings). Im using 3 flourecent lights to veg and have got a 400w sunmaster dual spectrum for the flower...
  7. taffythegrower

    All the gear just need some input

    So here we are 2 weeks into the first growth, unfortunatly i lost all my seeds but 1, however i got them mixed up so its either a superhaze or an ak48 here are some pictures i think it looks pretty good, the first picture is on the 21/06 and the last one was taken today. Hope you enjoy
  8. taffythegrower

    All the gear just need some input

    My northen light seed did not germinate ((GUTTED)) so i got some ak48, super haze and a skunkberry on the go as we speak. going to see what is the best smoke/yeild and stick with it for a bit. have you got any pics on here ??
  9. taffythegrower

    All the gear just need some input

    Nice one jayzee, what space did you have that sunmaster in , mine is a sectret jardin ds90 (900mmx900mmx1500mm) going to try 3 plants to start may do 4 if crop is good may only do 2 see what i can get off them.
  10. taffythegrower

    All the gear just need some input

    So today i decide to make my own soil, i used: 2 parts organic potting soil 1 part worm castings (or in my case mole hill earth very soft) 1 part vermiclite 1 part perlite. It is very light and will drain well, i will keep you up to date.
  11. taffythegrower

    All the gear just need some input

    South wales m8, nice to know there other sheep shaggers on here lol, feel free to take me under your wing as any info and help will be appreciated.
  12. taffythegrower

    All the gear just need some input

    Nice one mate, did you use it all the way through the grow? Im thinking of just using it to flower and use my t5's to veg as i have had good results vegging with them.
  13. taffythegrower

    All the gear just need some input

    So nobody wants to help out a newbie on here then.......
  14. taffythegrower

    All the gear just need some input

    Hi all, i have done a few grows in the past and had ok results not great but ok, i have just purchased a 90x90x160cm jardin 2 grow tent, 400w dual spectrum sunmaster hps, i also have four 2" t5 tubes in cool spectrum, i will be using an organic potting soil with large pots approx 40x40x40cm so i...