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  1. thegreensurfer

    Constant quality problem

    Poor lighting, not enough potassium/phosphorus, incorrect nutrient timing, high temps, root bound, bad genetics.
  2. thegreensurfer

    Best PH tester ??

    I've had a blue lab probe ph for 2 years. Still running on the same probe that it came with. It rarely falls out of calibration.
  3. thegreensurfer

    Silica and cannabis

    Inner, just be sure to add the silica first before anything else, mix well....and you'll be good.
  4. thegreensurfer

    Foxtail bud structure

    Chunktastic......I totally agree with the importance of timing. I've hit some plants too early, wk 5, with a 52/32 and resulted in no trics, and no smell. Now I start the p/k loading at wk 6/7.... Looks like a closed room, do you have a dehumidifier? The containers look small for all that...
  5. thegreensurfer

    Leaves turning yellow, brown

    Classic mag deficiency leaf cupping on those last pics.....
  6. thegreensurfer

    best breeders

    -Dinafem has never let me down. Consistent quality, high germination rate, great yields. -TGA has tasty stuff with great aromas, potency isn't as high as it should be, it seems they breed mostly for the looks/taste/smell. - Cali Connection is hit or miss, some great SUPER potent stuff, as well...
  7. thegreensurfer

    Silica and cannabis

    Potassium silicate definitely works.....just be sure to add it first as it tends to precipitate the calcium out of solution if added after.
  8. thegreensurfer

    Leaves turning yellow, brown

    Give it a higher strength dose of calmag and transplant into bigger container. It should solve your def.
  9. thegreensurfer

    Does this look like Ca deficiency?

    Fox farm soil in 10 gal. container, house and garden nutes 1/2 strength every other watering. After the symptoms have shown up I've amended with rhizoforce, azomite, and dolomite.
  10. thegreensurfer

    Girl Scout cookie clone

    I grow platinum cookies as well. One thing I can say is amend your soil with dolomite because it's a CaMg's a bit fussy with its nutes/ph come mid-flower. At least mine is....
  11. thegreensurfer

    Foxtail bud structure

    From what I understand it can be from high temps or poor light intensity....if we are ruling out the genetics.
  12. thegreensurfer

    How concerned Should I be with Small Bugs/Aphids?

    I suspect the guy you got the clones from cheaped out and used questionable soil. This is probably where your bugs originated from.
  13. thegreensurfer

    Leaves turning yellow, brown

    Could very well be calcium or magnesium...are you rootbound?
  14. thegreensurfer

    Does this look like Ca deficiency?

    Grown out of the container or grown out of the deficiency?
  15. thegreensurfer

    Please a RIU opinion. yellow tips & edges slowly spreading? concerned.

    Could be a gov thing....seems like something they'd do since the raids are not very popular with the public anymore and this gives them a good shot at ruining crops. We'll see if Monsanto is selling mite resistant seeds in 5 years.......
  16. thegreensurfer

    Does this look like Ca deficiency?

    Brown spots gradually become necrosis, progresses from bottom up. I suspect Ca or Ca/Mg deficiency, what do you guys think?
  17. thegreensurfer

    What is wrong with this plant... nute burn?

    I would agree bad soil. Looks like the cheap Home Depot shit.
  18. thegreensurfer

    Please a RIU opinion. yellow tips & edges slowly spreading? concerned.

    Maybe I saw mites in the first picture, but nowhere else. Did you check your soil ph after you mixed in all those amendments? Some of those will raise your ph, some will lower. You said you used a shovel to measure......If you don't have the ratios right it might have an affect. Also what if the...
  19. thegreensurfer

    What's wrong with my clones?

    I wouldn't keep those unfortunately....if they even do root it will take forever, then it will take even more forever to revert back to veg. it might be faster to root new clones from the mother after it is revegged.