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  1. Xigmo

    Where do you measure temperature?

    i hang mine on a wire between my lights so it hangs right were the tops of the plants are and i dont let it get over 90 EVER, i prefer 85. but then again i use an A/C set to 72f to keep the room nice and cool
  2. Xigmo

    Best Way To Manage Height On Sativas

    ok so i want to grow some haze, but last time i grew kali mist, it was so hard to manage for 12 weeks of flowering with it masive hight so whats better SOG or LST or any other ways to make a sativa easyer to manage for its 3 month long flowering cycle
  3. Xigmo

    Lights Burning...

    just top[ it now IMO u cant LST very well in flower i did it one time and all the bud hairs turned brown and withered overnight, from nending the tops down like stated
  4. Xigmo

    Trimming Plants during flowering..

    i never trim fan leaves....ever if anything u should be trimming off branches not leaves
  5. Xigmo

    consumption method for visual enhancment

    ya i have 30 days left on my durga mata (paradise seeds) i will try hash firecrackers and let u all know how it goes next strain i get will be a HAZE for shur anyone have any tips on a way to grow a long flower sativa? like does SOG work well for them? i usely just top after the 3rd pair if...
  6. Xigmo

    grow miracle

    how many watts of light are you useing? and yes check for light leaks, 12/dark need to be 100% dark
  7. Xigmo

    my friends grow, what do you think

    check it out, do you have any suggestions for him. it is his 1st grow,
  8. Xigmo

    29 days into 12/12

    durga mata paradise seeds, vegged 30 days in 2 gal coco pots hand watered lucas formula vegged 8 seeds under 400 w hps flowered 7 females under 2x400w hps choped 1 female soon as it sexed and made it into clones. (only had room for 6...well room for 4 but im pushing six lol) i toped them 10...
  9. Xigmo

    Experiments at the Cutting Edge

    i think somone needs to try a small grow using 12 hours of red led and 12 hours of blue led. to see if u can flower the plant and give it 24 hours of light. if so the use for led in growing juts got alot wider
  10. Xigmo

    Experiments at the Cutting Edge

    i think somone needs to try a small grow using 12 hours of red med and 12 hours of blue led. to see if u can flower the plant and give it 24 hours of light. if so the use for led in growing juts got alot wider
  11. Xigmo

    how much power is too much power??

    well were i live in the winter electric is like 35$ a month but in summer it can ge tas high as 200$ a month. just cuz ppl go from using gas heat to air conditioning and fans. a jump in a few hundred $ is no biggy but if ur bill jumps from 200$ a month to 1200$ a month, then ya thats a "red...
  12. Xigmo

    correct way to SOG?

    ok so i have always just used seeds for my grows, but i want to do some tall sativas now. so i want to try an do a SOG wich way is the right way/best wat 1. veg plants sex plants clone females bud clones this way you take the clones from 7 day flowering females and dont let the...
  13. Xigmo

    what is wrong (pix)

    oh and the nutes are GH 3 part, but i only use 2 parts lucas formula
  14. Xigmo

    what is wrong (pix)

    maby ur right about not feeding im jus tafraid of starving them im in coco and use R/O water so 2 gallons of that followed by a light feed (half str) seems about right or am i over thinking it?
  15. Xigmo

    what is wrong (pix)

    ya that kinda fits, cuz of the 6 plants it is a bit smaller, and i feed them all the same, just to make it easy. ok next time i water ill just flush um all out and and give um a good feeding im at 27 days of 12/12 so it prolly time for decent flush and feed. also allot of my lower fan leaves...
  16. Xigmo

    what is wrong (pix)

    is this mold or what guys its on only 1 out of 6 of my plants and they grow in a tight space so should i cut off these leaves on the 1 plant?? what i dont get is that is the plant closest to the fan so it gets the most air movment on it ot is this sum kind of defiency or lockout? i been...
  17. Xigmo

    consumption method for visual enhancment

    well i am starting something i am calling Cannabis Visuals Project, i have 2 friends that will me participating as well making 3 of us all 3 of us noticed that when we quit smoking pot for 1 to 2 weeks, then smoke 4 t o5 big hits of killer homegrown we experience the STRONG "mind fuck" of...
  18. Xigmo

    Onearmbiker13 Raw living ganja ingestion

    the OP is right, the healthiest way to live is to eat only living organic matter. i did it for 1 year it wasnt that bad you would be shocked how good it is to eat a huge plate of straw berries, corn, potato, almonds, live sprouted grain. no meat. u just eat 10 times as much and shit 20 times as...
  19. Xigmo

    My technique

    wow the things ppl put on the largest organ of the body.... sound not so healthy i always use 1 part iso alch 1 part vegitable oil 1 part liquid dish soap 1 part salt it mixes up to a thick but slipery liquid/paste and u just use it like u would hand cleaner. rub a bunch on ur hands and...
  20. Xigmo

    Durga Mata and Bhang

    well im growen some durga mata from paradise seeds, and i have been reading alot about shiva and 5000 year old rituals with cannabis and preparation of bhang i have l8ly become interested in ancient civilizations and the knowledge thay had, wich has lead me to i guess what u could call...