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  1. Xigmo

    800 cfm vent vs Open door

    any chance i can get some input....
  2. Xigmo

    800 cfm vent vs Open door

    i need some advise i wasplanning on getting an 800 cfm vortex fan and venting my closet (4/5/8ft) i am useing 2x400w HPS the temps in the summer can hit 85f i need to know if it would be better to not get the vent fan and just leave the closet door open when lights were on, with a...
  3. Xigmo

    Need help First DWC

    4 real unless u can legaly grow, remove thatpic now i took 1 look at it and i could find u so easy, just zoom in on the license plate of that car and run it the plate, get the adress of the building of the cars owner...
  4. Xigmo

    My New 25 Gallon Rubbermaid Set-up Check it out!

    ya i did hempy buckets, im a big fan of soiless . well i was... res temps are not that big of a problem in 25 gallon res. 5 gallon bubble buckets u have those problems alot anyway i like hempy alot except it is the MOST prone to fungus gnats of any soiless grow i have done. and i iahev...
  5. Xigmo

    pure perlite hempy and PH lockot

    yea when i couldnt figure it out i just dumped 4 gallons of Ph'ed ferts through each plant. i wanted to flush them back to the ppm/PH thay should be at without leaching them by useing plain water ya it cost a lil$ in ferts but i just didnt see this coming, i used same ferts in coco as for...
  6. Xigmo

    about PH rebound and carbonate hardness

    ok so i been growing in coco coir for years, using hand watering in pots. i just started some 100% perlite hempy buckets all goes well except now the plants looks nute deficiant, im useing the lucas formula i flushed and fed and the nutes are were thay should be and so is the PH, i put it in...
  7. Xigmo

    pure perlite hempy and PH lockot

    well first off this is my first hempy bucket grow, i have been using coco/perlite in soil pots for years though. anyway, when i grew in coco pots i always had the PH going down in late flower, to like 3.0 sometime i learned fast to just flush them and fertthem every time i water, it was alot of...
  8. Xigmo

    dont know wy, got 2 hermies. anyone know

    nope not useing any CO2 i thought seeds were geneticlt male or female, simalar to our X and Y chromzones, and both male and female plants can hermie from stress im thinking maby joey sent me femenized seeds or sumthing, i just dont understad i got 10 females then 2 hermie, wtf i ordered reg...
  9. Xigmo

    dont know wy, got 2 hermies. anyone know

    well ever since i been buying seeds and not using bagseed. i have not had any hermie problems, untill now i got some northern ligh f2 from joey weed, i got them set up in 100% perlite hempy buckets and feeding with lucas formula i was shocked when all 10 turned out to be females, i didnt get...
  10. Xigmo

    how to pass a drug test in 9 days?

    its called URINLUCK QUICK FIX do a net search for it to see what it looks like most smoke shops sell it u can pass a test while ur still stoned, ive used it for 4 years and never stoped smoken and never failed a test
  11. Xigmo

    Before & After pics .... Ouch

    and OMH pruning. does not meen cut off the leaves, proper pruning is when u cut off the growth shoots to promote other growth shoots, so all u ppl saying "pruning is a proven method for growing any plants the way u want" u are right but cutting of leaves is not proper pruning., once again u cut...
  12. Xigmo

    Before & After pics .... Ouch

    OMG u fuqed up and ur friends are MORONS, in NO WAY was that good for any plant regardless of the strain, never never never do that, i feel so bad man those plans were looken amazing, and now ull prolly get hermies if ur in flower/flower soon, that was a big mistake tell ur 2 friends thay are...
  13. Xigmo

    about making seeds

    also what kinda lighting do i need in the box that im seeding in, will just a 2 bulb fluro tube fixture be enough, i kinda want to get atleast 100 seeds for shur but id like close to 200. how many u think 6600 lumans of fluro tubes get me
  14. Xigmo

    about making seeds

    ok so i did some cloning and it was kewl, but i always liked the speedy veg a seed 4 weeks then top and flower, so i always just buy new seeds everytime. another reson i like seeds is that it has the the least amount of "up time" as far as going from nothing setup to being done and able to...
  15. Xigmo

    Helicopter infared detection of growlights???

    well there was a faq in old OG about this, but it didnt use any any detect foil or whatever. what u do is get enough drywall or wood to build all new walls in ur grow area, u set up the new walls about 3 inched away from the existing wall. making the entire room have a 3 inch gap all around it...
  16. Xigmo

    questions about growing in coco

    well depend how much u know and what kinda gear u got i have never used anything cept coco, for the last 6 grows, it workd great with GH 3 part nutes (lucas formula 2 part) i had salt buildup problem though i recomend ppl that want to do soiless to just use the hempy bucket method, if u wana...
  17. Xigmo

    Drying the Main Cola

    with dence buds ur beter off chopen it up in to atleast fist sized parts, i never have been able to dry a big cola ( 6to8 inch diam 1to2 feet long) without it molding even with big box fans going and a dehumidifyer, the core of the big coloa just gets sopping wet, so ya safter to chop up to...
  18. Xigmo

    Dummest Thing To Do.. PICS HOMIEs

    wy not just throw some dried pepermint leaves in the jar with the pot to cure. i like that idea imo oils are to strong to be using on sumthing u smoke, stil to the add to cure jar method its prove nand u can do just about anythign with it i just might try the pepermint leaves a jar with my...
  19. Xigmo

    poll, fem vrs normal seeds

    well i ALWAYs use reg seeds, and for 1 reson. hermies. cuz shit happens and i think 50/50 male female is beter than 100% female+ increase risk of hermy not only that but i thinkl fem seeds are bad for the pot in the long run the less hermy infested pollen in world the beter. id rather se...
  20. Xigmo

    box fans

    ok so im setten up my 1st vented grow. all my other grows were using an A/C and dehumidifyer. and were very good so im useing 4x400wHPS in a 12x12x8 room the lights and plants will only be in the corner of the room taking up about 5x5x5 for venting i want to use 20'' window fans (the square...