Before & After pics .... Ouch

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
I don't know if you guys could see how I trimmed the plant !!!

I removed the big suckers but left the leaves that where around each node !


Well-Known Member crack me up!! fourth grade science thats the best..if you understand how something works its much easyer to grow I agree less fans=slower growth:)


Well-Known Member
this is an awesome thread not only because of the info but because it shows that people can be civil and not resort to name calling, so thanks for that

and that 4th grade comment was up my alley, the other day i was doing all sorts of measuring and testing and i felt like i was back in grade school. Then i realized if my teachers would have told me i can apply all this stuff im learning to growing herb i think i would have made straight A's lol


Well-Known Member
this is kind of a related topic but about taking clones.

after you take a clone you're supposed to trim the fan leaves.


is it because you want the plant to go into root stimulation?

so why would leaves general purpose be canceled out after being cut? dont they need to absorb energy to create roots?


Well-Known Member
okay, here is some simple stuff.
i garden as well, say it flowers, like we are growing or fruit and seeds like the plant wants to grow i have a simple point.
when growing my lime trees or tomatoes or peppers or papaya, when they are young and i want them to grow strong i sometimes remove fruit the first season, no energy to fruit, better growth, easy enough.
but if i were to remove the leaves or even or portion of GREEN leaves while the plant is producing fruit or flowers, well, i would get crappy flowers and or fruit production.

and yes, buds are green, but does not mean they are the best at photosynthesis.

but in the defense of mr. dog, do whatever you want, i do different things every time.
keep on truckn'

oh and cloning, it is a delicate balance in what the plant does, leaves take in energy but also transpire, so moderate trimming helps.
different ball game with no roots


Well-Known Member
you're name calling again.

NOT pruned. they were "stripped" of all their leaves. different, different, different. :wall:
hey,"pruning bigot" is a term of endearment. if you were to call me an "asshole pruning zealot" that would be name calling.

never said i supported big dog's pruning approach. whether you call what he did pruning or not is just a matter of semantics.

this discussion started because you and others said never prune. i would have kept my pie hole closed if you had said at first that pruning is an advanced growing technique that can damage the plant if done wrong.

i'm not sure why we don't agree on the overall point when we agree on all of the details. mystery of life.


Well-Known Member
hey,"pruning bigot" is a term of endearment. if you were to call me an "asshole pruning zealot" that would be name calling.

never said i supported big dog's pruning approach. whether you call what he did pruning or not is just a matter of semantics.

this discussion started because you and others said never prune. i would have kept my pie hole closed if you had said at first that pruning is an advanced growing technique that can damage the plant if done wrong.

i'm not sure why we don't agree on the overall point when we agree on all of the details. mystery of life.

i think the best advice for someone who doesn't know is to not prune anything. that's all i'm trying to get across. it seems like that's the first thing people are told when they are learning, "oh, you gotta pull off all the leaves". i'm just trying to squash that whole theory. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
OMG u fuqed up and ur friends are MORONS, in NO WAY was that good for any plant regardless of the strain, never never never do that,

i feel so bad man those plans were looken amazing, and now ull prolly get hermies if ur in flower/flower soon, that was a big mistake

tell ur 2 friends thay are dumb asses u NEVER cut a leave, u always only trim shoots to make more shoots never leaves, never ever ever leaves,

man that DID look so good

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
OK fdd, can you move on now ! and I say this in the most polite way lol the hair cut was done 13 no 14 days ago and I wanted everyone too see how they are NOW.

You have made your position very clear DON'T TOUCH THE FAN LEAVES...

Anyways lets say I left them the way they where I would've had to remove atleast 3 if not 4 plants because of space issues.


Well-Known Member
and OMH pruning. does not meen cut off the leaves, proper pruning is when u cut off the growth shoots to promote other growth shoots, so all u ppl saying "pruning is a proven method for growing any plants the way u want" u are right but cutting of leaves is not proper pruning., once again u cut the shoots of new growth not the leaves


New Member
OK fdd, can you move on now ! and I say this in the most polite way lol the hair cut was done 13 no 14 days ago and I wanted everyone too see how they are NOW.

You have made your position very clear DON'T TOUCH THE FAN LEAVES...

Anyways lets say I left them the way they where I would've had to remove atleast 3 if not 4 plants because of space issues.

You can squish them in a bit. Plants don't mind being shoulder to shoulder. They will turn and adjust their leaves to catch the light. If they have leaves. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
OK fdd, can you move on now ! and I say this in the most polite way lol the hair cut was done 13 no 14 days ago and I wanted everyone too see how they are NOW.

You have made your position very clear DON'T TOUCH THE FAN LEAVES...

Anyways lets say I left them the way they where I would've had to remove atleast 3 if not 4 plants because of space issues.
new pics please. :bigjoint:

you could have kept all those plants in there. :leaf:

and why you gotta jump on me? there are several of us here having a discussion. why'd you pick me?

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
new pics please. :bigjoint:

you could have kept all those plants in there. :leaf:

and why you gotta jump on me? there are several of us here having a discussion. why'd you pick me?

Because your pretty and have a gun LOLLLLLL.......

Look I agree that it was a pretty damn aggressive thing to do (removing all big fan leaves) and on my next grow (which starts wednesday this week) I will not touch them...and then we will be able to compare the result....


Well-Known Member
Because your pretty and have a gun LOLLLLLL.......

Look I agree that it was a pretty damn aggressive thing to do (removing all big fan leaves) and on my next grow (which starts wednesday this week) I will not touch them...and then we will be able to compare the result....
everything here is O K. got any new pics? :bigjoint: