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  1. namtih024

    Has anyone ever used a weapon that they carry???

    nah but ive been shot at
  2. namtih024

    Need suggestions on What soil and fertilizer to use

    most of the POTTING soil at lowes will work fine, provided you start your plant in seedling mix first so it doesnt burn. read the label and stay away from soils pre-mixed with time released fertilizers, if it says "feeds up to six months" or something similar, stay away (general recommendation...
  3. namtih024


    you cant trip on weed, not unless you have never smoked it then you may have a pretty intense stone that could feel like a trip. things that make you hallucinate: shrooms lsd salvia mescaline payote just to name a few, there are several other ways to trip, but for a novice...
  4. namtih024

    Skywalker OG outdoor organic

    nice, tlc is all you really need, so many people go on and on about the nutrients and additives they put in there plant, but keeping it simple is the best way to go. good job keep up the good work
  5. namtih024

    What to do with extra weed?

    lots of good suggestions on here, i like the giving it to old or disabled patients, and the idea to make oil/ hash/ butter. i dont know about canada, but in california you are allowed to sell your product for money compensation. ie you can sell it at a reasonable price to return the money you...
  6. namtih024


    yep there is def a learning curve, i know these things because i have experienced them. i have made the same mistake myself, now these things are second nature. i recommend purchasing a good grow book, personally i have an Ask Ed (Ed Rosenthal) two versions of Indoor Marijuana Horticulture...
  7. namtih024

    went to grow... robbed? or busted? this guy seemed to have good results decontaminating moldy bud with this but i have never tried it so do your own research before trying water cure
  8. namtih024

    went to grow... robbed? or busted?

    cops would have snagged them all, even the irony of leaving the one with bud rot wouldnt have let them leave it. they might set up a trap to catch you, but this late in the season i bet they would be more worried about letting the product hit the street and just ripped them up. likely someone...
  9. namtih024

    Verticle growth issue. PLEASE HELP!

    put the screen as close to the light without burning as you can, keep in mind the screen may retain heat and need to be placed further away. what happens is when the plant grows to the screen it bends on its own and grows along the underside of the screen, it gives you odd shaped buds but...
  10. namtih024

    What If You Go A Week To Far Into Harvest?

    a week too long is not really a prob, but after a while the plant will die and the trichs will break down further, causing not only the THC but also the CBD to be lost
  11. namtih024

    Simple humidity question

    as shadeslay said humidity can increase around the plans as colas are full of water, but your environment should generally control your humidity levels, they may change depending on outside conditions. if your asking if you should change your humidity then, for clones and seedlings you want a...
  12. namtih024

    Verticle growth issue. PLEASE HELP!

    screen like what goes on your windows, has a real fine screen, not like hash making fine just big enough to keep out bugs, and stretching is is up to you grow box, if it were me i would frame where i need the screen to be in the box with 1/2 inch wood and stretch the screen on that, then tack it...
  13. namtih024

    Ready to Harvest.... Rain, Rain, Rain!!!

    as generally stated above, prob not a good idea to harvest damp buds, it will promote bud mold/ rot. someone above suggested a trashbag, this is not a bad idea it will help keep them dry. otherwise try to cover them somehow to protect agaist rain. bud terpines and trichomes peek a few hours...
  14. namtih024

    replacing air question

    you answered your own question (4.9x4.9x6.7)x5 (148.5)x5 aprox 750cfm but yeah its just like a desired amount, you could get away with something alot smaller, like a 200cfm, just be sure it creates suction in your tent/room and you should be fine
  15. namtih024


    ya, if they're that important dont throw them out, its just that i used to be a commercial medical grower, and to this day i usually end up getting rid of about half of my plants. out of every two clones one will be better than the other, the ratio is worse with seedlings, so i grow more than...
  16. namtih024

    replacing air question

    you want an exhuast fan thats rated to replace all the air 5 times a minute, that does not mean that your required to replace the air that much. it wont hurt to leave the fan on constantly (unless using CO2 enrichment, where the fan would suck out CO2 leaving the enrichment process useless). the...
  17. namtih024

    Building a rain shelter (Hey 5150)

    5150, nice!!!
  18. namtih024

    Verticle growth issue. PLEASE HELP!

    not chicken wire they will grow through that, use a window screen and stretch it, that way plants cant grow thru but are blocked and forced to grow along the screen
  19. namtih024

    Bud rot help

    it might not even be mold. just helped a friend harvest, he had a single bud worm on a main cola that knawed through the stem and caused the top of the cola to die off. at first glance i too thought it was bud mold, but later realized it was brown from poor drying conditions and was completly...