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  1. namtih024

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    human finger!! my friend got the sack for me in San Antonio, finger right in the middle, called the guy back and he thought we were mad about the weight and tried to offer more weed to compensate. still smoked the sac tho
  2. namtih024

    7 inch pots?

    the reason you use progressively larger pots is due to root developement. in seeds there is a tap root, and with cuttings a series of main roots or a single main root. the main/tap root searches for the bottom or an edge of the container before branching out and establishing itself, at this...
  3. namtih024

    is it still organic if

    yep, plants naturally breath CO2 so cant see it being an additive. there's just not enough CO2 in the air to allow plants to thrive to their full potential. it's like an oxygen mask for plants
  4. namtih024

    Are my girls ready?

    cold wont kill it unless it freezes, in fact cold will aid it in turning its fall colors. still 2-3 weeks to go tho
  5. namtih024

    Have you ever had to choose between your money and your life?

    that sucks! but what often happens is that we put ourselves in these situations, when i was younger i made a living as a hustler so i know the issues, but i have never had anyone try to rob me. i learned the game when i was really young so i was always aware of the situation, i guess you can say...
  6. namtih024

    Everything Ravished, everything burned.

    had that happen to me a while back, next year go with raised beds or pots, also might help to dig trenches to redirect water around your plants. im sorry for your loss better luck next year
  7. namtih024

    Best trim scissors???

    i like the sewing snips that are held between the forefinger and thumb, there pretty acurate. i also use surgical scissors i got from a vet tech i know. there are plenty of good scissors at a craft store like michaels or hobby lobby, just make sure they are kinda small, with most of the length...
  8. namtih024

    Pull time ?????

    question 1: the easiest way to tell when to harvest is when about 80% of the hairs have changed colors, and the Calaxes have swollen to about the size of a seed( a calax is the round pod that the two hairs come out of), combine this with the trichome information above and harvest should be good...
  9. namtih024

    Free pipe #2

    hell ya, you should post a pic, i love to see works of art
  10. namtih024

    Free pipe #2

    did you blow them yourself b/c that would be awesome!!
  11. namtih024

    Help! Electrician coming tomorrow.. Only a few days til harvest

    screw the electric guy. install a lock on your closet, easy as buying a new door knob + a few min of labor. just fabreze the hell out of the room when he gets there, tell him to hold on a sec and he should give you enough time to do whatever. if he does shut the electricity it should only be for...
  12. namtih024

    Pizza experiment = success!

    always trust a stoner to make a great impromptu meal.
  13. namtih024

    Food Stamps B

    i used to work in grocery, they do limit what people can buy with food stamps, and belive me it did piss me off seeing a healthy 20 something male buying random shit on food stamps when i was 13 and had a job, essensally im paying out of my paycheck so this guy can buy junk food. but your...
  14. namtih024

    drying my buds outdoors??

    i have had plants ripped up by someone who found them, apparently the just ripped them and tossed them as far as they could because i found some of them a few days later hanging in the weeds, suprisingly they were drying properly and what i did manage to find was killer smoke. though outdoor...
  15. namtih024

    drying my buds outdoors??

    jonathans got the right idea, some things to look out for though that can potentially ruin them, rain, frost, heat, humidity, ANIMALS, drying outdoors will leave your plants more succeptable to the issues that threaten drying buds, i suggest paying attention to the weather forcast, look for a...
  16. namtih024

    Your Drug History

    lets see, dont really remember ages but weed, duh mushrooms extacy LSD Mescaline payote vicoden xanex meth cocaine oxycontin opium liquor beer absinthe ruffies (wouldnt recommend) synthetic heroine (not the real shit just pills, i hate needles ) codine promithozine hydrocodone pretty much...
  17. namtih024


    dont smoke for a couple weeks smoke more use something that gives a more concentrated hit like a bong use a vaporizer smoke hash, hash oil, or other concentrates smoke top quality, well grown, well dried, well cured conissour grade buds switch strains, you develop strain specific tolorance to...
  18. namtih024

    Help diagnosing a problem

    i dont think its mg if it was the yellowing would be more prominant in the center of the leaves while the veins and outsides remained dark green, this appears to only have dark veins and slight yellowing completley around them. you should have mentioned it was only newer growth in the original...
  19. namtih024

    Seedling to DWC tranplant confused...

    yeah but like i said be careful you dont give them too much nutes, or drown them
  20. namtih024

    Seedling to DWC tranplant confused...

    listen to your experince, set up two small tupperware DWC systems and grow one with nutes and one without, then you will know for sure, but i find seeds contain enough food to allow the plant to thrive for a week or so without any nutes, whatever you do dont give them alot of nutes or they will...