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  1. namtih024

    why is the grow room so hot? any suggestions on how to effectively lower the temp?

    the problem seems to be your set up. you need to focus on the path of your air. first find a nice cool place to bring fresh air into the room, maybe from outside (filter the air first) or maybe from another room, this is where you want your ventilation to start, run a duct from here to your...
  2. namtih024

    Marijuana dreams

    I have had dreams, usually when i haven't smoked for a month or so, were i get high. I mean really stoned. Then when I wake up I am still high. it once made me freak out because I had a drug test soon, but eventually I realized it was a dream and calmed down. Once I dreamed my friends and I...
  3. namtih024

    What Do You Think Of Texans?

    well aside from the harsh marijuana laws Texas is outright badass. we are the only state that can succeed from the union anytime we wish. I have lived in Cali, Arizona, Maryland, D.C., and Texas. Texas all the way!!!!!!!
  4. namtih024

    best way to light a blee

    if you really want the best way to light a blunt in my opinion, use one of those ceramic tipped heating elements, like they use in cannabis cup videos on youtube. another option would be to use a glass "hot-hit" wand used for vaporizing weed, heat it with a torch till its red hot, then touch it...
  5. namtih024

    URINE to lower ph???,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1366&bih=606&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=13854329920148975478&sa=X&ei=ZUdJTpaGBYSLsQKIg4CTCA&ved=0CIYBEPMCMAA here is a ph test kit, good brand, comes...
  6. namtih024

    best way to light a blee

    uh I-Tal hempwick from Aqua Lab Technologies, i wouldnt consider it cheap. but it adds a non-cannabis taste (worse than butane lighter IMO(though i am used to lighters by this point)) that i do not prefer, also it is hard to keep track of when your high. dont put words in my mouth i mean what i say
  7. namtih024

    URINE to lower ph???

    "hey man remind me to get some b-12 for the plants" "piss on em" "hey have some respect thats a cash crop" lots of people have herd the rumor to piss on your plants, the above is an excerpt from cheech and chongs nice dreams. piss as stated above generally has a ph of 7 depending on the...
  8. namtih024

    best way to light a blee

    hempwick taste bad
  9. namtih024

    What is the stupidest thing you said before getting high

  10. namtih024

    Old School Hot Knives!

  11. namtih024

    how are those good old Ants.

    in some conditions fire ants will chew through your stalk at the base, they do it in a matter of days too. i had a five foot tall haze topple over and die on me about four years back, dont get me started on termites that suppossedly "dont eat plants" either to solve the problem then i took a...
  12. namtih024

    neem oil ?

    gotcha, just replying to new post didnt check the sections. though outdoors you dont need much pesticides because of the balance of nature, all the pest are ever present outside, and so are there natural predators, so in a sense they are already controlled or no vegitation at all would grow...
  13. namtih024

    fear and loathing...

    ya and more commonly ive seen people smoke meth out of a light bulb
  14. namtih024

    First grow. All females. Why am I so lucky

    lucky bastard!! in perfect conditions cannabis will grow one male to 10 females or around that ratio. males usually grow taller than females and a single male can easily pollinate hundreds of females, so when cannabis likes what it has there is no need for a bunch of males. on the other hand, in...
  15. namtih024

    What went wrong?

    well the ph of your res will fluctuate as nutrients are absorbed by roots changing the chemical makeup of the water in the res. and therefor changing your ph level. the whitish grey water sounds bad. it could be your nutrients changing the water color, but i think it is more likely residue from...
  16. namtih024

    neem oil ?

    temperature and humidity i believe
  17. namtih024

    fear and loathing...

    what i love about fear and loathing is that the attorney character, gonzo is really Hunter Thompsons created alter ego. he really took the trip to vegas but he went alone.
  18. namtih024

    Heat problems, but half of the day only.

    ya that can cause some stress, plants like there nights cooler than there days. try relocating your cab to a spot that is less succeptable to temp change. you could add insulation to your cab to keep the heat out. 90 degree temps will stress your plant
  19. namtih024

    Is my plant okay?

    looks like a light burn
  20. namtih024

    NEED a list of Equipment to grow Indoor plant.

    soil is more forgiving, if you mess up in hydro your crop can die overnight, soil takes a few days to a week before symptoms occur. before you go spending $2000 on a grow room, try to grow one or two plants successfully, this will give you a feel for how cannabis grows and its daily needs...