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  1. namtih024

    neem oil ?

    tycoon has the right instructions, but never spray chemicals on flowering bud, even those safe for human consumtion were never meant to be combusted and inhaled. try to control your pest with natural controls like ladybugs. after this harvest bleach everything and spray for bugs using real...
  2. namtih024

    Bottom leaves turning yellow ( Help)

    your plants are healthy enough to recover from this. first step, check your soil ph levels make sure its around or just below 7 (ph effects the plants ability to take in certain nutes and is often misdiagnosed as nute dissorder) also check the ph of your nutrient solution, and the ph of the...
  3. namtih024

    Flowering With CFL??

    i cant remember the specific brand i used last time, i just wandered into the hydro store and picked out a 125wt CFL. I had it in an open room so i had no heat issues, plant leaves were safe inches from the bulb without burn or heat issues. fox farm is a good brand and you should do well with...
  4. namtih024

    Flowering With CFL??

    sure you can flower with CFL lighting, saves a bunch of money. but CFLs dont have the same penetration as a HID, a 400 watt HPS is really for small grows anyway so its reasonable to assume that by using 2- 250wt CFLs, placing them closer to plants, generating less heat, a similar yeild can be...
  5. namtih024

    questions on rain n shit

    rain has the benefit of naturally filtered water through evaporation. i dont believe it contains nutrients though in places with smog in the atmosphere it can take on acidic qualities. rain for a week can complicate a well tuned grow, usually heavy rains are accompanied by thick clouds that will...
  6. namtih024

    Beginning A Lifelong Quest For Perfection.

    thanks for the like kronic as far as lights i had my grow set up with my mothers under 125w 6500k cfls, my clones under 4 ft T5 flourecents, 40 vegging plants under two 400watt metal halides and 40 flowering females under 4 1000watt high pressure sodiums. it took some know how to wire them all...
  7. namtih024

    Just a quick question

    an hour is relative depending on your climate. if you live in a good climate for outdoor growing, then you may not need to tend to the plant but a few times a month. if where you live is hot and dry, then your plant could need constant watering, this would require more trips out and an hour will...
  8. namtih024

    250 plant grow hel needed

    well good luck man....hope you do well i hope you knew exactly what you were getting into before you invested all that money, 250 plants is a HUGE responsibility. it will consume ALL of your time. you should hire some growers to help you out preferably ones that have experience tending to huge...
  9. namtih024

    DESPERATE FOR HELP!!! bad tasting weed

    a harsh smoke, you feel in your throat and a bad tasting back end of the bowl would indicate nutrients still in your bud. maybe your soil is storing more nutrients than you think. does it burn away to clean white ash, or does it turn black and leave unburned chunks at the bottom of the bowl you...
  10. namtih024

    Do plants smell during vegetation?

    i have one bonsai mother vegging in a pc box in my bedroom. i dont smoke in my bedroom yet it always has the faint smell of dank. i suppose it would be easy to cover up if i wanted to but i enjoy it
  11. namtih024

    So, Um Who Likes to Smoke the Ganja?

    I.....Um....Like to smoke the Ganja
  12. namtih024

    Beginning A Lifelong Quest For Perfection.

    man, with that type of interest in this hobby i believe you can be one of the greats. and we all start somewhere. first things first, if your serious you need to buy some books on marijuana specific cultivation. i personally have two versions of jorge cervantes, indoor marijuana cultivation...
  13. namtih024

    New Bill to Legalize MJ Federally

    in opinion, based on all mass produced products in the world quality would eventually go down on mass produced cannabis. think about it farms of cannabis would be much like farms of everything else, they cant use clones on 50 acres of land, and weeding out males would be a huge task. it would...
  14. namtih024

    Losing lots of leaves, plant fading away? Can someone help?

    overwatering generally does not burn leaf tips or dry them out. overwatering is manifestested as curling leaf tips followed by soft wilting foilage that appears heavy. im not saying its not overwatering but it could be many things. heat stress nutrient burn ph balance nutrient difficency...
  15. namtih024

    Harvest Time

    i cant tell you how much your tops would improve if you trim the small buds, but i have always gone about the practice of trimming branches that i feel would yeild less than an eight. in my experience i have never had a branch that produced less than an eight form tight dense buds (on larger...
  16. namtih024

    i know anotherone help the noob pleas

    it takes a little bit to be able to properly sex pre-flowers, be patient each strain is different
  17. namtih024

    i know anotherone help the noob pleas

    that thing you circled is a preflower. if it shoots two hairs its a female (it looks like it may be female) if it does not it is male. other than that your grow looks fine
  18. namtih024

    Harvest Time

    you can definitely cut only the ripe buds and let the rest finish. this is a practice that is fairly old. i got this info from a book i bought back in 2003
  19. namtih024

    Help ... 1 week till harvest and i have seeds!! What should i do!!

    sounds like your not selling to dispensaries, you should be good i bet your seeded shit is better than most people get anyways. they would prob gladly pay whatever price you set. plus if you pull out the seeds you can prob sell those too. your good to go, home grown is always better in places...
  20. namtih024

    New Bill to Legalize MJ Federally

    could you give me some info on current bills, i will look online for details but if you have links that would be great