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  1. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    I've seen that pretty much tomato nutes are good,would you advise something like that or some brand name nutes with shipment available else than US
  2. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    With this improvised card box and incandescents foil was a must to amplify that little light I had.. but yeah I'll make me foiless grow box for my next grow next week i'm putting some autos in it and I watered this once a day because incandescents dried the earth out
  3. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    Yeah,I figured that too My question is,is plant useless without it in this stage or will it keep growing?
  4. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    I was traveling,and brought seeds with me just month ago Took this picture and just wondering can seedlings survive with its first pair of leaves dry or gone?
  5. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    This site don't need disguise as it too deep and too dense for anyone without a machete to even think to go there, Its sort of combination of light jungle and dense forest,its not too humid and not too dry..perfect if ya ask me I'll post pictures off it tomorrow when i come back from
  6. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    This bit confuses me,so i ask you for further explanation of this shade thing as I know not much about this part (hardening) that is
  7. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    Yeah I will cut the tree branches around the site so the sun drops directly all day,that is about 14-15h a day
  8. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    Well this is my problem,i have tons of cats around my house and there is no place to do this,not even on my roof as they get there too But I could take them to the site in cups leave them there to harden and transplant them in one week in the ground and about gophers and other animals,they no...
  9. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    there is no rain here in summers,there is no harsh winds cause its in dense woods i have sprayed the site and my cups with neem oil and there is no sign of any pests around any plants sprayed in that vicinity there is also no small or big animals in these deep parts of woods,only non-venomous snakes
  10. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    Others made me aware of this too so i have black tape around em now
  11. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    yeah but I can't give em more light than I'm just giving em Wouldn't transplanting them on sun with slow drip be good for em IC3M4L3?
  12. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    Thanks for positive feedback SMite,others in other thread are not so positive about them even surviving the transplant Whats your opinion on transplanting them in the same soil they are now,rather than mixing it with site's soil And what are most common reasons seedlings don't survive the...
  13. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    How you figure they die just like that Dr.Kynes,explain? Innit logical them to get more natural light outside? I am in mediterranean climate,so days here are very long sunny and hot,my site is 100 meters from a river and there is more than enough sun there Do you think they would have more...
  14. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    I can't more than 12h cause i am hiding them so lights are on while daylight's in I am bothering due to site preparing which took me awhile to get it together,cause its very far its late summer so i thought i start them inside so i don't lose more time
  15. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    yeah,I am not able to give em more than 12h a day,I will take em outside in 2 days will they grow after 7 day shock this small?
  16. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    Good advice on roots SpiderMite..will do,only its not possible for me to put them on 24h,I will take em outside in 2 days, in your opinion with good soil and sun spot will this babies start to grow?
  17. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    I will transplant them in one week on prepared site Since this is my first attempt,I am open to any suggestions I am hiding them on my closet,giving them about 10h of light per day with two ordinary lamps one 60w and other 40w.
  18. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    I will transplant them in one week on prepared site Since this is my first attempt,I am open to any suggestions I am hiding them on my closet,giving them about 10h of light per day with two ordinary lamps one 60w and other 40w.
  19. fo88hrabrim

    Looking for advices,my first grow ever..this plants are 2 weeks from sprout

    I will transplant them in one week on prepared site Since this is my first attempt,I am open to any suggestions I am hiding them on my closet,giving them about 10h of light per day with two ordinary lamps one 60w and other 40w.