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  1. plantastic

    Brown / orange blotches and general unhealthy looking

    Environment seems fine except for the high humidity, but that's only a concern in late flower really. I would dial up the calmag to 1ml/L every feed and yes the dilution probably isn't helping. Let us know how it goes :)
  2. plantastic

    Plant issues in flower

    In that case i would give calmag at 1ml/L every feed, rather than just now and then as you have been doing, or half of what the calmag instructions say.
  3. plantastic

    Orange striations on leaves

    Yes, agreed with curious2garden, your leaves look fairly dark so possibly too much N, looks like more cal deficiency than mag, which is typical of excess N. Never use as much as the nutrient companies say, and there's generally no need to use grow at the same time as bloom during veg.
  4. plantastic

    Any idea what this green thing is? Doesn't look good.

    Yes algae, i see it every grow in soil, it's a good thing :) Cheers.
  5. plantastic

    Plant issues in flower

    Are you using sulphur-free mollases ? Sulphur reacts with almost all other nutrients positively or negatively, depending on which nutrient, so too much would cause your symptoms, which do resemble cal/mag/nitro problems all at once. Cheers.
  6. plantastic

    Brown / orange blotches and general unhealthy looking

    Looks like magnesium deficiency to me since the leaves are yellowing from outside in at the same time as the rusty spots are appearing and it's hitting leaves all over since magnesium is mobile. How much calmag per litre have you been using? What's your pH ? What temps (lights on and off) ...
  7. plantastic

    Flux training

    Absolutely amazing work, i've only just started going beyond basic LST etc, it's rewarding.
  8. plantastic

    Extreme LST !

    Great isn't it, i didn't do it though.
  9. plantastic

    Extreme LST !

    It's not my work, i found the pic online ages ago.
  10. plantastic

    Barney's Farm Critical Kush, one under Mars Hydro TS600, the other under 600w HPS

    After the extreme haircut the 4 limbs i'm left with are fattening more quickly than they are lengthening. The size of the leaves is mental considering it's only about 6 weeks into veg, you really can see that all the energy has been diverted now that lots of leaves have gone. But i have...
  11. plantastic

    Extreme LST !

    Yes, i had to look that word up!
  12. plantastic

    AK47 45 plant sog (sea of green)

    Nice looking harvest, every floor filled in the drying net :) Must have taken ages to trim!
  13. plantastic

    Is this looking normal? 5 1/2 weeks from germ.

    They look healthy, maybe a touch too dark so you could maybe dial back the N a little with no problems but otherwise all on track i'd say. Cheers n beers :)
  14. plantastic

    First time grower here, need some advice

    Hi, i used plant magic products and grew autos only for about my first 6 or 7 grows. I found that the plant magic soil supreme has enough nutes in it to last the first 3-4 weeks, depending on strain and i started most plants on 2ml/L at that point. The other plant magic product i used was their...
  15. plantastic

    Is this looking normal? 5 1/2 weeks from germ.

    The size looks normal for that amount of time, could be larger or smaller with other strains, what size are the pots ? Got any normal light photos so things can be seen a little more clearly ? Cheers n beers :)
  16. plantastic

    Tissue Culture : Small Indoor Setup

    I thought that was a lab-rat cage on the bottom-right of the pic, for a moment i thought you were going to be experimenting on rodents! Cheers n beers :)
  17. plantastic

    ScrOG..Best time to stop tucking in flowering!

    I flip when the screen is 60-70% full then stop tucking once branches hit the inner edge of the SCROG frame, all growth after that is vertical and buds are nice and long, in this pic they were about 40 days into flowering, pretty much all of the growth above the screen is flowering growth. For...
  18. plantastic

    Extreme LST !

  19. plantastic

    First Grow - Blue Dream Auto - Indoor - Amended Coco

    Agreed, best to keep things simple when you start. It's normal for them to be scrawny and fragile to begin with, i remember watering one of my first seedlings and being surprised when it got swept away in the relative tsunami that was me pouring from a jug. You'll be surprised how quickly they...