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  1. HitemwiththeHine

    How are you breaking up compressed Bales?

    I read "good quality medium" and that's just where my head went lol
  2. HitemwiththeHine

    Distilled vs RO vs tap

    If you make RO water at home and you drink it, there are products you can buy to add back all the minerals to the water if you are worried about that. That's what I do, it's cheaper even than buying cases or gallons. Although, I drink almost a gallon of water a day, not quite. Some people use...
  3. HitemwiththeHine

    Nothing dumber than a flat earther

    When I used to be on Facebook, we had socks and we would raid derpy, anti-science groups. Mostly about flat earth, anti-vax, and chemtrails. We would get into the group with our socks, and establish a presence, make friends with admins (this was before mods), and let our buddies in with their...
  4. HitemwiththeHine

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    QB 36. but on a Saber frame.
  5. HitemwiththeHine

    Tips to avoid racing thoughts/voices/images?

    You might try meditation. It will help you to not only clear your thoughts, but it will help you to not pass judgement on them as they float by. This is likely causing the most distress. You can't stop having thoughts, you'll always have them, but you can control your judgement or reaction to them.
  6. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    That'll be cool
  7. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    I topped the one to the far left, haven't decided if I'll top the other two way to the right. Have to get em at the right time, I think. Maybe early stretch or right before. The one in the middle isn't topped. I like to use the single "tomato ring" to spread them out a bit. You can see on the...
  8. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    Should have done 3. Oh well, another time :blsmoke: 375w btw
  9. HitemwiththeHine

    3000k vs 3500k for flower

    No worries, you'll do well with just about any of them. I've flowered under 4000k, turned out great.
  10. HitemwiththeHine

    Best option to add just nitrogen to soil grow?

    I do what you are trying to do in coco, and I add soluble fish hydrolysate. It's a powder. If I couldn't get that or if I was in soil I'd probably just pick up the Alaska Fish.
  11. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    My advice is to plan for more space than you think you need. I started in a 2'x2' with a 90w QB. I thought a 4'x4' was huge, but now I light 25 Sq. ft. with enough wattage for 32. Lol it's hard to stop.
  12. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    Yep, only autos I'll run anymore are Mephisto, and I only get em direct.
  13. HitemwiththeHine

    What the f is going on

    I quickly realized going RO was cheaper lol so I still have the gallon
  14. HitemwiththeHine

    What the f is going on

    Yeah usually dosing the nutes will bring it down, if you are lucky to within acceptable ranges. I use ice to bring my water temp down, so I do have a bit of tap water, very small. I almost never need to adjust it, and usually slightly up if at all. And when I started with GH 3 part I used a ton...
  15. HitemwiththeHine

    What the f is going on

    I've read a few posters on here recommend 5.2 if you use RO, which I do. I can't remember who it was. I didn't think anything about it until I double checked my Apera meter which I knew was already a bit off. It was more than a bit off. I thought I was at like 6 or 6.2 but I was a full point...
  16. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    They're my favorite plants to grow :weed:
  17. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    I can see the value in that also. But I'd still get em lol