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  1. HitemwiththeHine

    What to say in the Garden store

    ".... Yeah sage, some parsley nomsayin..."
  2. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    I believe they do unique, boutique, connoisseur automatics only. But if they did photos that would be cool too. I'd get em.
  3. HitemwiththeHine

    How do you check PH, any recommended tools.

    I have an Apera and a Blue lab. I had been phing to 6 in coco and checking it with my Apera (which I already knew was slightly off in calibration). Decided to check with the Blue lab and I drifted down to 5.2. I use RO so I'm not worried, I'm changing nothing.
  4. HitemwiththeHine

    What to say in the Garden store

    I've never been asked during the only 2 times I ever went into a hydro store. When I did go, I knew what I wanted, no shopping. Ymmv
  5. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    I really liked the Alien vs. Triangle. It was the first Mephisto gear I tried. Haven't tried the newer version.
  6. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    It's just a difficult spot to tape, right at the node. But like I said, I think I just broke the skin a bit, it's not dangling or anything. Still standing and happy. When I topped her she flipped me off :hump:
  7. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    Won't work. It'll be alright. She pushed through my topping without blinking.
  8. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    Here's a top-down. Also, I'm feeding Maxibloom @ 7 grams, RO water. During veg, I added 2ml CaliMagic and 1 gram of soluble fish hydrolysate from customhydro, also 1 gram BioAg Cytoplus. I've since cut out the fish and reduced CaliMagic to 1 ml. Might cut it completely.
  9. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    Unfortunately, I was in the middle of positioning one of the colas on the larger one and I heard a slight snapping sound at the base of the node. Very small crack, I did not break it clean through. I hope it heals OK. That's the one on the left. It's currently occupying about 32"x32".
  10. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    Moved the smaller photo girls out to make more room to spread these out. ROG & Chemdogging over to the right. Day 43.
  11. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    I misspoke (mistyped?) before, this is about day 37. Turned up to 350 watts. Maxibloom 1.2 - 1.4 ish. 2 Northern Cheese Haze starting to flower in the back. The one on the left is topped. Maybe I should top em more often.
  12. HitemwiththeHine

    Coco: Tips, techniques, and the facts you will need

    You're right, I probably wouldn't want to do that, although I don't know what the starting ph is. I just thought maybe I could use the calcium in it for an initial buffering. No biggie.
  13. HitemwiththeHine

    Coco: Tips, techniques, and the facts you will need

    Anybody know if I can use the liquid lime from Nectar (the ph up) to buffer my new coco? Or how much to use? I have a bottle sitting around and nothing to do with it.
  14. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    Northern Cheese Haze, day 37 ish. Kinda hard to see the tape measure, sorry. Under QB320XL (nichia V1) and 4 citi1212s, both turned down a bit, currently 275watts together. Don't mind those smaller girls, they're neither Mephistos or autos, just chillin until the other tent opens up.
  15. HitemwiththeHine

    Is there such thing as a 3x5 grow tent?

    I use (two) 2.5'*5'*7' (actually slightly less than 7',but good enough) . From Amazon. Bout $130. Pretty decent.
  16. HitemwiththeHine

    The Mephisto genetics thread

    They all look great but that last one is a beast.
  17. HitemwiththeHine

    Decent Dry Herb Vape System Question

    I'd like to try a Plenty. The large amount of flower doesn't bother me :bigjoint:
  18. HitemwiththeHine


    I can't remember where I saw it now. Really wasn't promoted beyond descriptions written in catalogs, and a few youtube videos. I thought it was an interesting idea. I wasn't able to find much information about it. Everyone seems to know and it's apparently not worth answering my query in a...
  19. HitemwiththeHine


    I only asked because the idea of low frequency waves sounds like it might be on to something but I don't know if this contraption is legit and I don't know enough about how all of that works on plants. The earth is said to give off extremely low frequencies. I don't really know enough to have an...
  20. HitemwiththeHine


    Yeah, I found a few videos and a few hydro catalog listings, but I didn't look past the first page. If it's a huge success nobody knows.