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  1. I

    Strength of cfl's

    You're better off buying multiple lower wattage bulbs than one high wattage bulb. That way you can place the bulbs above and around the plant instead of just above it. For veg you need 5500k - 6500k color temp (usually labeled daylight). For flowering use 2700k (usually labeled soft white).
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    First Grow...yellow spots, righthand-turn leaves

    Hows your temps? Do you mist?
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    Im Looking To Buy A Carbon Filter... Whats the Best For The Money??

    Because if you use an ozone generator in your house it can give you respiratory problems. We're not meant to breathe ozone.
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    Do I really need a carbon filter?

    I bought a 3x2x5 tent and im just starting off with one plant, Its just me and gf in the house, do i need to buy a filter yet - is it going to smell the whole place up? Just doing a CFL grow for now so wont be much heat, can anyone recommend a cheap fan for exhaust?
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    **PICS** 21 Day old grow Please comment freely

    You can top em again the same way you topped it the first time, thats up to you. You could also try lst which would probably be better for a short bushy grow. Check out LBH's tutorial here, its pretty good
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    Am I screwed? Did I drown my seed?

    I got home from work today and it sprouted!!! It seems silly to be so excited but I am :bigjoint:
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    LBH's 4 way lst tutorial (w topping sub-tutorial)

    Great thread, well written and pics helped a lot. Would you recommend doing this without scrogging? I was thinking about doing it up until the first LST and just letting the plant grow because my vertical space is limited.
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    Am I screwed? Did I drown my seed?

    :( well mine was in for a lot more than 24 hours. Is she a goner?
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    **PICS** 21 Day old grow Please comment freely

    Nice big green bushy leaves bro! Foxfarms is the shit. Ive seen people use nothing but FF, no extra nutes, and still get a great yield at the end. Your best bet it just to watch your plants carefully, if they keep looking green and lush like they are, then why mess with it?
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    Am I screwed? Did I drown my seed?

    1st day it was floating, 2nd day AM it was floating, PM it sank. 3rd day the nub appeared and I planted it early on the 4th day
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    Am I screwed? Did I drown my seed?

    I was reading different germination techniques and came across one that said to put your seed in a shotglass of water for a few days. Now while my seed was in there, it opened up a bit and a root nub appeared. Ive used the paper towel technique before so I know that works, but Im worried...
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    First grow. Day 1 in soil. Blue mystic short plant.

    Yeah you probably just want to leave it alone for a few days and see what happens. Let nature take its course, she probably would have popped out of the soil eventually. I know how it can be, you want everything to go smoothly so you shower it with too much attention. Patience grasshopper!
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    My Growing

    21 days isnt long enough for you to go into flowering already. Of course if people are getting suspicious or you just want to see what happens then by all means go for it.
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    smoking a male

    Is it possible to make edibles or hash out of them?
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    Most Likely To Win

    Obama will win mainly due to the fact that the GOP field is so lacking. You may all love Ron Paul, but theres a not a snowballs chance in hell that that guy is winning the GOP nomination. The nom will either go to Romney or Perry, my opinion says Romney. As soon as Perry hits the national...
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    Hawaii Growers

    Just wanted to say howzit. First time grower here, found a rare bagseed so I stuck it in my closet with some foxfarms and a CFL. Wish I could grow outside but I live in town so no more space. Good to see other locals here :joint:
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    I know where giant pot trees are, 15-20 feet high

    I just started posting here, but man you're already my favorite poster. Hilarious! :bigjoint:
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    First grow failed

    You may also try adding some perlite to your soil mix to help prevent overwatering. It introduces some aeration and makes the soil less dense.
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    First grow. Day 1 in soil. Blue mystic short plant.

    Dont worry too much about light on your seedlings. Once you get to the 3rd or 4th set of leaves then bump it up. You want to be using 5500K - 6500K CFL's for veg growth. For one plant maybe two to four 23-27watt bulbs. Keep them CLOSE to your plants, like 2-3 inches away otherwise they will...