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  1. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    Sorry but that is the biggest load of rubbish I've ever heard water crystals a gimmick? Go buy some, wet them watch them absorb water and become 10x there original size and turn into a wet gel, put them in your garden cover them up and check on them 6 months later, They are still soaking wet...
  2. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    To be honest I thought this site was more for serious growers to share methods and learn from each other not for people to just rag on each other... Anyway I think the icmag forums are probably more what I was looking for after having a read... I'm looking to learn and share not debate petty...
  3. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    Sorry Ruby Fruit that wasn't directed at you I can completely understand people questioning the numbers... It's all the other crap that annoys me...
  4. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    Some advice even though you've heard it all before and know it all... The minute your roots touch the outside of that pot your roots growth rate slows down by a lot... Roots slow down plant slows down yield is reduced dramatically by increasing pot size or planting in large holes and not...
  5. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    You say my methods are garbage and you haven't heard anything new there's an old saying if you can give it you can take it. I just looked through your grow your still growing in tiny little garden pots, yet you give me crap about my methods and say you know all this already...
  6. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    I was posting a thread to help people with better gorilla grows and a bit of how to but you twist that in to I'm saying I'm better than everyone even though I said a few posts ago I HAVE A LOT TO LEARN.... some of you just come here looking to have a little hissy fit it's a joke... Please post...
  7. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    I never bragged about having a longer grow season or even had a arrogant attitude about it, in fact I made suggestions of starting plants indoor as a helpful piece of advice to people with a shorter grow season and few people thanked me for this advice...
  8. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    What is with people twisting words on this site everyone on here has seen the the monster 8-12lb grows by those people I mentioned I'm sure I can post links to the threads grows if you like.... I said I can't find a decent GUERRILLA GROW On the internet if you can show me one I would love to see...
  9. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    Here is the soil mix I use Abe: -5x 5kg coco coir bricks -16lbs of chicken manure -16lbs of perlite -8lbs of steamed bonemeal -8lbs of fish meal -5lbs of gypsum -400 grams of water crystals This is per 4 foot x 4 foot hole but should be fine to scale up... If this was used somewhere with...
  10. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    Husseinps this is why growers never used to take photos as I stated penalties in Australia where very severe for commercial amounts... Authorities also have huge power here all it would take is suspicion of growing and that's enough to get a warrant seize computers, cameras ect and you are...
  11. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    3 different people in this thread have said you can't carry that much water!! I was going to take photos as I prepared and went along as stated in first post and about 8 times after that... How people can not see Doublejj was being a dick from the very start beats me... We are not in high school...
  12. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    Yes 20 litres per plant, 5 plants in total every second day...
  13. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    The only hole anyone has picked is people telling me I can't carry 20 litres of water up a hill. Even if you disagree with this and don't believe the numbers all the information given was correct and good info on using coco coir to substitute expensive soil, a soil recipe, explaining about...
  14. Guerrilla OP

    Guerrilla Grow Done Right. Pulling 4-6lb per plant every time

    24" inches deep Abe... The aerial photo was demonstrating plants planted randomly in an opening with clearly defined edges are very visible from air... Plants planted together hard against natural vegetation look like one large bush and are less visible from air....