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  1. Guerrilla OP

    Question about my super soil

    Read the ingredients on the connesiour bottle, while I'm not sure if this will kill microbes as you have no idea what else is in these additives... You already have all these elements in your mix so there is absolutely no point in using them... I not sure which 3 part grow your using I was only...
  2. Guerrilla OP

    Let's talk lighting schedules (12/12, 11/13, etc)

    Yes defiantly those big operations employ scientists to study things just like this a minuscule increase in health or yield to those guys can mean an extra 20 million dollars or more each crop... They have the facilities and resources to experiment all they want...
  3. Guerrilla OP

    New to autoflowering, wanting to run a project in the middle of winter...

    Yeah no joke what a dumbass thing to say haha it would just go straight into to flower that's why I'm trying them in the first place someone slap me it's getting late here lol....
  4. Guerrilla OP

    Nutrients for soil grows

    There has been a very thorough non-biased study done on another site comparing the major nutrients available... The results are: 1- earth juice 2- bio canna 3- advanced nutrients 4- general organics 5- fox farm 6 dyna grow I've used earth juice for years and strongly recommend it if you are...
  5. Guerrilla OP

    What should I be vegging my plants? 24/7 or 18?

    In my opinion i believe plants and equipment need a break/period of darkness to be truly healthy. people are of the view that the plants become completely dormant at night, i have read a few studies that support the view that certain biological and chemical processes and reactions are completed...
  6. Guerrilla OP

    New to autoflowering, wanting to run a project in the middle of winter...

    Yeah I'll be getting around 8 hours direct sun at the lowest in winter so will be enough sun also remember the sun is far more intense than indoor lights... How much are you getting of them at most assuming perfect conditions plants getting right nutrients, correct ph ect...
  7. Guerrilla OP

    starting with my new grow room

    Sorry buddy I made a mistake I thought you said you were upgrading to a metal halide... Cfl should pose no problems heat wise and 24 degrees is fine... Sorry again...
  8. Guerrilla OP

    New to autoflowering, wanting to run a project in the middle of winter...

    Hey all, New to autoflowering plants but experienced grower... I want to run a project using heating cables in the soil in the middle of winter to run no more that 20 autoflowering plants to pull at least 2 pounds any less doesn't really seem worth it. Is this possible. I'm in a part of the...
  9. Guerrilla OP

    starting with my new grow room

    Just be very careful you don't start a fire running mh or hps lights in that small of an area it's going to get unbelievably hot.... When I was first starting out a long time ago, I was living in a small apartment. I bought a very large fridge, gutted it put an adjustable 400 hps cool tube in...
  10. Guerrilla OP

    Should i flower ? HELP

    This is entirely dependent on strain, environment ect... In short there is no way to know until you flower... I've had sativa dominant strains that will double there size if not more in flower. I've had indicas which barely stretch at all... Can I ask why you want to keep it so small? What...
  11. Guerrilla OP

    Yield to watt

    If you really want to crank up the yeild do some research into a scrog set-up... I'm normally pretty sceptical of new methods until they are proven but scrog definitely increased my yeild of the same amount of light very quickly... This is assuming you have nutrients, ph ect dialled in...
  12. Guerrilla OP

    Yield to watt

    Ok that makes more sense then. I suggest getting a couple of metal halide conversion globes for your hps lights for veg if you haven't already...
  13. Guerrilla OP

    Fox farm cannabis questions

    Yep to be honest outdoors I wouldn't use bottled nutes even if it wasn't going to cost $6000 a grow... The salts in bottled nutes would mean the expensive potting soils (canna terra) would only be good for one year this way I can use them for around 4-5 years just amending them each year, not to...
  14. Guerrilla OP

    Fox farm cannabis questions

    Around 200 gallon lined holes outside, used to use 100 gallon smartpots indoors with that same mix (2-2.5 month veg time haha) until jumping on the on dwc bandwagon indoors... I'm a firm believer in root space, a big root system and simple organics is the key to big massive heavy trees and it...
  15. Guerrilla OP

    Yield to watt

    Yes this is true however I would prefer a 1200 watt light regardless of how many plants I grew or space, it would still provide better light intensity resulting in bigger yeilds and denser buds. it would also allow me to veg a plant/plants using topping, lst, scrog ect to fill entire grow space...
  16. Guerrilla OP

    Fox farm cannabis questions

    This is my preferred soil mix and what I've found to be the most successful... This is per 100 gallon smart pot so you will have to scale up or down depending on your pot size... Per 100 gallon smart pot: - 6x 50l bags canna terra professional or equivalent in black and gold potting soil -...
  17. Guerrilla OP

    Yield to watt

    I got to disagree with budfarmer on this one nothing increases yeild like light you should double the yield with 1200 watts over 600 watts... I agree with auswolf I didn't see the photo before... It looks very small was it a clone you put into flower straight away with no veg... Under 1200...
  18. Guerrilla OP

    Fox farm cannabis questions

    Agree with this completely in the case of experienced growers who can read there plants needs very well and will pull much more with synthetics however inexperienced growers will always pull more in organics where it is much more forgiving with burning plants, ph, salts ect... Wow mud head that...
  19. Guerrilla OP

    Fox farm cannabis questions

    I don't have experience with 707 but have heard it's ok stuff... I'm not sure of the NPK ratio or how consistent it is... I personally would make my own "super" soil using black and gold potting soil or canna terra professional with chicken manure, bone meal, gypsum, high nitrogen bat guano and...
  20. Guerrilla OP

    Consistently too tall Seedlings

    They are stretching searching for light, make sure you have a decent cfl grow light (150w) and make sure this is 4-6 inches above seedlings and they will stop stretching...