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  1. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    I'm in a sharing mood :p Love and peace
  2. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Sorry it took so long. My mix hasn't changed but the amounts and way she's fed is different. If u have any questions on my method I will be more than happy to explain it further. Here is the schedule I follow. Key; Ratios= water:fert mix W,ST,M= water(distilld), superthrive, molasses (I use...
  3. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Thanks for the love guys. I'm currently bubbling her food for her feeding. At the rate Shea been growing on my new schedule that I will post soon. I think by end of september - mid October I should start thinking about the harvest. but we shall see. She's getting bigger by the day and she's...
  4. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    This morning. Can you see the tricomes? The reason I'm turning this leaf is to show the main (middle) vein, does it look like a cal mag dif? Or do u think its just genetics cuz of the purple stems? She's a dirty whore :)
  5. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Hey thanks man. I germd on may 13, planted on may 15 so 3 months last Monday :) and she has a "waxy" smelling and uBer sticky. Like my fingers stick together. It's nnnnaaaaaiiiiiiicccccceeeee :) Stonedguru, thanks for checking me out! Penny has come a loong way. I'm still amazed that from a...
  6. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Pics. No hoopla. Just pics. I just watered her so she's gonna be more perky tomorrow. She smells heavenly. Enjoy boys!
  7. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Thanks guys! Yea steve. While I was in RI we came up to Boston for the day. It was fuckin sweet. And it like a day trip so I would be close to hemp fest. Sorry I don't have pics. My phone crashed and I had to restore to a profile from 2010 so this has been 2 weeks of hell since my computer...
  8. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    dude thanks for the info! awesome post man.. +rep to you! that plant looks awesome too BTW.. so do u do the tricome method? meaning taking a magnifing glass and check the color of the tricomes? cuz i know as the plant gets closer to harvest, the tricomes will turn from milky white to amberish...
  9. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    MEFFER! i fuckin hate technology.. i had this whole madd long fuckin post and i (thought i) copied it but i use a mac and i hate PC.. damnit.. it was my newly revised feeding schedule.. but i have to go to work now. so ill post up madd shit later.. sorry i was away for the weekend and now I'm...
  10. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    So I fed her again today (second time this week) we shall see if I get byte burn or a + response. Here's a teaser pic for you guys. Oh an btw, it's getting crystleyey. Yeaaa sour robust citrus smell. Ugh god she smell so good hahaha Enjoy Yum
  11. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Thanks alot guys. He's chillin with the rock stars now. Lol. As for the grow, as I'm trying to emulate outdoors as much as possible my 4' fluro setup I have, I put it on a separate timer to come on at like noon to get the blues after the sun comes up, ya know. Like it's not blue skys right...
  12. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Thanks steve. I appreciate that. 29 is too young to go man. It's just too young. Here are some pics Enjoy. The tea is bubbled and oxygenated so I'll feed her again tomorrow or the next day. We shall see what the soil tells me. Love and peace, Joey Bozz.
  13. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    I checked her out this morning and we now have buds forming. I'll post pics up later. This grow is dedicated to C.C. A brother, a great friend for so many years, a musical inspiration who died at a terribly young age. He will forever be missed. RIP brotha.
  14. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Pic update. She's a hott mess right now. I'm gonna tie her down tomorrow night. Enjoy Yum Enjoy
  15. joeybozz

    Blackjack from nirvana

    Citrus with the coffee stoutness. OooOooOooOoOoo haha. Steve when u say "cut her down" meaning harvest? Or when u harvest grace ur gonna pluck (kill) her all together
  16. joeybozz

    400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow

    Uhhh. Nice first grow? Lol j/k. Just because I'm growing my sour jack doesn't mean I can't say ffffffuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk you back cuz u have maaad plants. Hahaha. Awesome lookin plants man. Sub'd but I'm sub'd to like 9other things and I'm on a cell phone (comp is broken :/) so I'll hit ya up...
  17. joeybozz

    Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!

    Dude that's awesome and so true, it does feel endless. I still have like 2-3 months left after 3 months already. Oh man. But it's eel worth the wait/weight lol. Can't wait to see pics if the harvest! Kudos man!
  18. joeybozz

    Blackjack from nirvana

    Dude it is some crazy motha shhhhHHHHhhhHh. Lol. And the smell of it, it's got a bit of a whang to it lol. But yet man I can't wait to see what she finally is. Just a couple/few more months now. Ugh I want it sooo bad. Haha. Dude PM me with that hemp fest info, we don't get shut like that in nj...
  19. joeybozz

    Blackjack from nirvana

    I mixed the molasses in with the air stones I got. OooooOoo fancy shmance. I'm currently bubbling my fert mix for another day than I'm gonna give penny an airated dose :) so now she stinks something fierce, it kinda make me believe that I just may be growing sour jack, cuz she's got a pungent...
  20. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    The phrase is urs haha (hence the sig lol). I have a little problem tho. This weeks left over money. I've been sinking a lot of money into penny. So here are my options that all cost the same lol, 1, new phone (I'm ready for an upgrade and my iPhone sucks since the software update for iOS 4 and...