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  1. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    As promised. Enjoy steve, she told me to post this pic especially for you.. its a pic of her "bush" hahahaha no sir, i dont grow marijuana plants... i grow marijuana bushes :) tell me what you think (oh and BTW i know i need more light and to water her :]) EDIT: i know that im...
  2. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Ok so now penny is actually looking like a plant that will produce some fat dense nugs. I will post up pics when her lights come on tomorrow. Also, sorry. Im a "scientist" I like working shot out like that. Keeps my brain from turning to mush. I just hope that someone who looks will either...
  3. joeybozz

    Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto

    Also remember when u feed ur ph will drop (due to the acidity ofthe ferts) and ur ph WILL drop than come back up wen the nute water dries up and leaves behind salts, which are highly alkaline. So what I do is, flush as every 3rd watering. So I go; week 1 nute, week 2 water, week 3 nute, week 4...
  4. joeybozz

    Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto

    Get some litmus paper from ur local aquarium store. Or u can go to a garden supply center and I have a rapi test. It was 14 bucks from metro plant exchange. My .02 stop with the cal mag for a few waterings and see how you do. But just drop the cal mag. Keep the same regimen.
  5. joeybozz

    Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto

    Dont cal mag deficiencies show up also as a phosphorus deficiency? Cuz cal/mag are needed for the plant to turn the phosphorus into food. So the calmag inhibits P uptake. So too much cal mag will cause no P uptake? I read dsomethin onthe plant problems forum. A lot of interesting stuff on here...
  6. joeybozz

    Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!

    Thanks for the answer on my sage q? Ur plants look awesome man. Awesome first grow, an I'm glad I got to see from the start. Good shit man. Cant wait till u tell us all how she smokes!
  7. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    The real only good purpose I can see using seltzer is if u want to add more co2 to ur grow room. To do so; get a gallon of seltzer take off the cap empty about 1/4 out add in 4-7 cups of sugar and a packet of yeist, the yeist will "turn" the sugar and creat co2 now when, let's say after a week u...
  8. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Ok so I dug thru my old chem booms and found that "fizzy" water is always H2CO3. With a ph between 3-4 you would have to add some sodium bicarbonate to level the PH but ur adding salts to the mix, but if done correctly (and using chem ferts) I don't see any harm in using fizzy water. Since water...
  9. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Note: was wrong about the bubbles. They are CO2 bubbles, so since plants inhale co2 and exhale oxygen, wouldn't roots like co2 as well? I'm still working out the formulas but we shall see when chem 101 has to tell me about water (H2O) with a carbon dioxide (CO2) introduction. I forgot what it...
  10. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    thanks hank.. i just watered her today with the same ive been doing... i figured i would give her the same for the first 3 weeks of flower, now for her next watering its gonna be a flush, than after that, im gonna start a higher PK and trace N and maybe start a bit of magcal/molasses in addition...
  11. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    sorry they zre a lil blurry love and pEACE, JOEY BOZZ..
  12. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    ask and you shall receive..
  13. joeybozz

    Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!

    absolutely amazing.. how many watts is that light? 1000? and when u say SAGE plant.. is that like the "holistic" SAGE plant or is it a pot plant?
  14. joeybozz

    Blackjack from nirvana

    Lol. I know what u mean. I feel what she wants too. Its like a pleasant girlfriend who only asks for simple things. And her name came from the girl I was with and she hates the Joey juice now. Hahahaha :p
  15. joeybozz

    Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!

    Dsam, dude, awesome man! I decided(waywardly) that I wasn't gonna try to clone yet, but awesome job. I was scared to cut the clones cuz I veged for like 3 weeks than flowered so I had a lot of stretch cuz I was using 1 26 watt cfl lol. So I decided to jet flower it out and continue with the lst...
  16. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Buhuhahaha! Sad part is it took me legit a min to figure out what u were talking about. Lol I'm sky high. Done than the same regimen shall follow. I want to get my friend to take some legit pics of penny. Make her like my "growtographer" so u guys can see all the hairs forming on the pre...
  17. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    Should I start pruning some of the big fan leaves off to promote the "food flow" to the nodes? Or should I just continue with what I'm doing. I'll post "good" pics tonight. Or later. Love and peace Joey bozz
  18. joeybozz

    Hank Dank's Mulligan: Organic Soil LST - 60DayWonder + Northern Lights Auto

    If u want I can mail you a Mylar fire blanket, I'll cover the postage and whatever. Just throin that out there (I bought a case from wallmart lol) lmk :) yea as fOr my little science color thing yellow takes the red and obviously yellow and blue make green. A red pot would absorb all the red...
  19. joeybozz

    whats up i chill and grow for my friends who have cancer.. thats about all there is too me...

    whats up i chill and grow for my friends who have cancer.. thats about all there is too me.. other than thaat im simple :)
  20. joeybozz

    Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

    steve.. look at my sig. lol