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  1. D

    Help plant spots

    alright thanks guys
  2. D

    Help plant spots

    yea but i dont have any thing to lower it with now and na im not tryn to feed them yet.and dont have clearex
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    Help plant spots

    no i stopped cause when i fed the first time it burnt them about a week and a half ago and no its clean but i think the ph is to high its 7.5 but i dont have any ph lower any ideas on anything else i can use to lower it
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    Help plant spots

    botanicare pure blend grow and liquid karma but that was only once and it said 7.5 is ph and ppm is 400
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    Help plant spots

    hi everyone this 3 week plant and it has like brown and yellow spots on mostly all the leaves i dont know what it is i havent fed it nutrients anymore i fed once about 1week and a half ago a lil bit and it burnt some leaves so i stopped and its not light burn using cfls and their not touching...
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    pot sizes

    hey everyone i found two pots outside and they dont have the size on them and was wondering if anyone knew what size they are or which one would be better for hempy bucket i would prefer 2.5 gallon and i know they have holes for soil but ill cover them up any suggestions?
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    nutrient advice?

    will do thanks.
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    nutrient advice?

    no everything going pretty good for now.
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    nutrient advice?

    alright thanks for the hep
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    nutrient advice?

    ok i bought some regular water jug from the store that should be good right and i got the one whole about 1ich or so from the bottom trying hempy bucket it drains pretty good.
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    nutrient advice?

    ok and no liquid karma?
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    nutrient advice?

    im using botanicare pure blend pro grow and liquid karma and was wondering when i start first feeding should i mix both or just start of with one of them and if so which one and the plant is about 2 weeks 2 days fed it couple days ago cause tips started turning light green but it burnt them a...
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    First Grow bagseeds/cfls

    hey everyone starting first grow journal starting little late(2weeks 2days)in doing ok so far i think im doing hempy bucket vermiculite and perlite using 1x13 watt cfl i know its not enough but its just for now and the nutes im using are botanicare pure blend pro grow and liquid karma for...
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    light green leave tips/brown tips

    vermiculite and perlite
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    light green leave tips/brown tips

    hi this plant about two weeks n 2 days and the tip of the leaves are turning light green and i think this is nitrogen defienciy but i jus fed it pure blend grow and liquid karma 1/4 strenght and the next day some of the tips were brown so any suggestions and also some of the leaves are droopy im...
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    help with nutrients

    yea and the rockwool it was in
  17. D

    help with nutrients

    thanks and i know its hard to say exactly but around how much of the 4lt do i feed the 160z cup?
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    help with nutrients

    no feedback need advice please.
  19. D

    help with nutrients

    hey everyone im doing a hempy bucket and just transplanted my 1 inch rockwool cube in a 16oz plastic cup and its 1week and 6days old and i am going to start first feed with liquid karma and pure blend pro grow botanicare and it sais 10 milliliters to 4 lt of water and was wondering if i should...
  20. D

    firsy grow help.

    this is my first grow and its about a week and a half in rockwool and its second set of leaves popped out and the root are starting to come out the side and was wondering when i sould transplant into 16oz plastic cup(hempy bucket method).