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  1. curleefrie

    smart women

    i hate fuckin bitches like that, you would think that people have better things to do with their lives. yeah its lame how that works you get in any trouble your automatically a suspect. live and let live. a great motto.
  2. curleefrie

    smart women

    i personally think we need more smrat people in this world lol.
  3. curleefrie

    smart women

    didnt you know thats better then smart. its being smart and unique at the same time. lol
  4. curleefrie

    smart women

    thats why im doing it same money probably wont have enough to sell or just wont want to lol. yeah thats not so good. I can honestly say i have never stolen anything. but hey if thats what you had to do to get by more power to you, as long as it wasnt from me which i know its wasnt, so rock on.
  5. curleefrie

    smart women

    yeah but why.
  6. curleefrie

    smart women

    only cause i miss spelled smart lol.
  7. curleefrie

    smart women

    thats the best summer job ever. lol. im only looking to do one harvest this time cause im moving in august, i could probably do some clones though.
  8. curleefrie

    smart women

    yeah its ok here, hella cold right now though. i dont give a shit. yeah i am, my first time. only 3 weeks in.
  9. curleefrie

    smart women

    fuck it might be they are pretty stupid. my brother got a ticket for going 15 under the speed limit, he was behind a slow semi by the way, it was fucked up had to go to court and everything. lol. i think it is about 8 could be less not positive.
  10. curleefrie

    smart women

    about 8 hours. near reno.
  11. curleefrie

    smart women

    pretty good. I dont flaunt that im smart. im not cocky about it, sometimes maybe but not often. definately like to have fun though just cause your smart doesnt mean you have to show it all the time. lol.
  12. curleefrie

    My girlfriend flipped out

    thats a funny name. of course it would be in oakland too. lol.
  13. curleefrie

    smart women

    yeah i understand that but sometimes it seems like guys are. lol.
  14. curleefrie

    My girlfriend flipped out

    no i didn't. i dont get high times. Yeah i think botany would be a lot of fun and really helpful considering my major is going to be Zoology. sorry bout the rambling on the last post. lol.
  15. curleefrie

    My girlfriend flipped out

    well of course. its all subjective. people set up the test for the results they want. even if they dont get the results they want the results are still going to be different then if they had set up the test for a different result or just any result. stupid example first thing that came to...
  16. curleefrie

    My girlfriend flipped out

    seriously. I plan on going to Humboldt state this next semester, i thought about studying botany as a minor just so I could study the effects of marijuana on humans. I think it would be fuckin awesome. get all my friends to be lab rats. lol
  17. curleefrie

    Smoking habits

    thats not true there are plenty.
  18. curleefrie

    My girlfriend flipped out

    did anybody see the study that proved that marijuana can actually stop the growth of cancer in its early stages?
  19. curleefrie

    smart women

    well thats good to know. kinda funny i miss spelled smart considering the question. lol.
  20. curleefrie

    smart women

    Are guys intimidated by smrat women? I know its a stupid question but I dont care im bored, high, and curious.