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  1. curleefrie

    leaves sticking straight up

    accidently posted twice read the other one.
  2. curleefrie

    One plant not growing

    I wasn't going to kill it. I was kinda thinking the same thing, but it is better to know if it is ok rather then just think nothing of it and it turns out something is wrong.
  3. curleefrie

    One plant not growing

    sorry it is not the middle one it is the third one.
  4. curleefrie

    One plant not growing

    ok here are some pics. The middle one is the one i am conserned about. It looks ok but it is smaller and darker then the other two. I can see changes in the other two but not the one.
  5. curleefrie

    One plant not growing

    im pretty sure it is perlite. i dont think he put nutrients in it.
  6. curleefrie

    One plant not growing

    They are from seeds. It was soil that my grandpa uses for his garden im not exactly sure what is in it. I will get some pictures.
  7. curleefrie

    One plant not growing

    I haven't used fertilizer.
  8. curleefrie

    One plant not growing

    So I have three plants, two of them are doing great they growing colors good. One of the plants does not seem to be growing but the color is getting to be a really dark green, way darker then the other two. They all have the same lighting, watering everything. Is this plant ok?
  9. curleefrie

    The leaves are curling under.

    no they arent droopy just curled in a little spiral.
  10. curleefrie

    The leaves are curling under.

    The second set of leaves on one of my plants are curling under is this normal?
  11. curleefrie

    Opinion and Feed Back Please!

    i am being patient i just think its fun
  12. curleefrie

    Opinion and Feed Back Please!

    ok so its been 3 days since the last pictures. They are doing good and seem to look good. Let me know what you think.
  13. curleefrie

    Opinion and Feed Back Please!

    I was hoping to this all organic so i was wondering which would be the best kind of fertilizer to get when the time comes. Got some new pics too but my battery died, so it will be a little while on those.
  14. curleefrie

    Opinion and Feed Back Please!

    I also have a aluminum cone shape, kinda, over them to reflect the light in towards them. I thought it would help, not sure if it is but it seems to. I have not check the ph of the water, i am using bottled water cause our tap water is really bad.
  15. curleefrie

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks she is a pitbull, boxer, pointer mix.
  16. curleefrie

    Opinion and Feed Back Please!

    I am using a cfl right now, been keeping about 2 inches from top of plants. I know i am going to have to get more lighting
  17. curleefrie

    Opinion and Feed Back Please!

    This is my first time growing i could just use some imput on how they are looking. It has been 1 week so far. So here are some pictures. Just trying to see how good i could do with what I have around the house and spending a little money, i mean very little. I think they look pretty healthy...
  18. curleefrie

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everybody. I came across this site trying to figure out how to grow a plant the best i can with what Ive got. This is my first time trying to grow, and honestly the first time i have ever even seen a plant. I have found some useful information. So if I post some pics I could really use...