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  1. casper9

    Goober's First Grow - Soil LED 240w

    "If he were to get". He isn't.
  2. casper9

    am I doing right so for with my plant ?

    No bro, you're not posting right yet! Try getting those pix up here for us :)
  3. casper9


    Nice tops/fimms. Those ladies should make a nice scrog.
  4. casper9

    My 2 girls looking good ?

    That'll work, looking good. In late bloom it's good to lower nutrient intake anyways. How far into flower are they?
  5. casper9

    Goober's First Grow - Soil LED 240w

    You should try a glassless (no reflector) run with the 1000w and compare it to the yield quality and quantity from the LED grow. It'll probably be more cost efficient and yield better results running the HPS.
  6. casper9

    Newbie/ outdoor growing problems

    Two gallons of water per day might be a bit overkill. Does the soil around the plant stay moist all of the time?
  7. casper9

    2ft by 6ft scrog 4 plants 600w hps 2lbs possible?

    Yes, definitely possible.
  8. casper9

    new grower

    I usually shoot for 76 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and a decrease of no more than around 10-12 degrees or so during lights out (most indoor grow temps are fine during lights off). Although those temps may be optimal for most situations, they aren't always easily achievable without...
  9. casper9

    4 plant LED scrog grow

    That's a nice amount of available play room. Have you looked into pricing the particular LEDs you like to run in there and compared it to a HID setup? Any reason(s) you'd prefer to run LED as opposed to T5 or HID?
  10. casper9

    Plastic Melted On MH Bulb -.-

    I'd trash it once the replacement arrives.
  11. casper9

    Medium question

    Sounds like a fun grow journal to me.
  12. casper9

    What size smart pots for coco

    It depends on the size of the plant and how often you wish to water/feed it, not the grow space or lighting in particular. Three gallon containers seem to be good for the "typical" sized plant through flowering.
  13. casper9

    new grower

    How are your temps? If your plants have been fine at that intensity for this long, I'm sure they'll be just fine. The only time I'd really be concerned with blasting them would be in the very early stages of development.
  14. casper9

    Buying superbox or supercabinet for first time grow.

    Oh, and that grow cabinet junk... Don't waste your money.
  15. casper9

    Buying superbox or supercabinet for first time grow.

    Hey New2, you won't need more than one carbon filter for a set up of that size. Check and see how many cubic feet you need to extract (grow space) and get a filter rated appropriately. Of course some filters are better than others and I always check the grams of carbon in each filter as that is...
  16. casper9

    How much can i harvest 400w 4x3 sq ft scrog method?

    Not as much as you'd get with a 600w. If it's a possibility, it's worth running a 600w instead. You may be disappointed with a 400w in anything larger than a 3x3 at most.
  17. casper9

    my second grow

    Looking nice. What are they growing in?
  18. casper9

    Look normal? It's droopy

    It looks fine. Let the soil dry out before the next watering and it'll perk back up.
  19. casper9

    To FIM or TOP now that is the question .....

    I wrap mine 3 times instead of just one in step 1 of bow making. I haven't had one come undone yet, maybe that'll help.
  20. casper9

    To FIM or TOP now that is the question .....

    I poke holes around the upper rim of my smart pots and run string through the hole and around the branch to be controlled. I tie the string in bows, like a shoe, for easy adjusting later. Some strains I have had to adjust daily (DP, SLH, etc... for example) due to fast growth rate and/or...