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  1. Dribbles

    Can I grow Kratom, at home ?

    As for the lack of replies, a lot of members of these types of forums can't see past their own little grows and think Cannabis is the only plant worth the effort. Many wouldn't even know what Kratom is, and certainly wouldn't want to sacrifice one foot of potential canna-growing space for any...
  2. Dribbles

    Can I grow Kratom, at home ?

    If you have a grow room already, you're half way there, it's not like in can't grow alongside canna, and canna will thrive in warm & humid, so really, anything you got "for" the Kratomw oukd benefit any other plants you might wanna grow too ;) Yeah as soon as they see anyone's having fun, they...
  3. Dribbles

    Can I grow Kratom, at home ?

    You can still grow it in a cold place indoors, bit you'd have to dedicate a grow room to it: give it a nice 600w MH, humidifier, CO2 generator and it'll grow well, but a couple flouros and a spray a day woukdn't cut it.
  4. Dribbles

    Can I grow Kratom, at home ?

    Sorry for all the typoes. On an iPad, the on-screen keyboard MAKES me make typoes.
  5. Dribbles

    Can I grow Kratom, at home ?

    Fuck it yknow I had all these plants. Ephedra, Kratom, two kinds of Khat plants, Salvia Divinorum. Moving state I had to leave them behind, and being potted outside in a cool/temperate environment they just epicfailed :( Both Kratom and Salvia Divinorum ate illegal now, so I can't even reorder...
  6. Dribbles

    Can I grow Kratom, at home ?

    I had a little Kratom plantling years ago, and sure you can grow it, it's slow growing of course, and loke coffee can take years to get to a decent size. My plant dropped all it's leaves when I overwatered it, and then died, possed me off considering it was $80 for a seedling, but live and learn...
  7. Dribbles

    Which foods do you grow indoors?

    You can grow anything indoors, but I'd concur: Annuals that can be picked any time win if I'm picking plants for a limited indoor space, herbs are indeed the number one choice far as I can see: they're annual, bushy, space-saving, and freah herbs are much better than the dried shit in...
  8. Dribbles

    Cloth shopping bags as pots?

    That photo is of the lowest/smalleest branch, cos thr top ones are hard to get a stewdy photo of, and they haven't quite started pumping out white & purple petals yet, but I'll have a photoshoot with the plant certainly when the top "colas" well, they're flower spears really, or before the plant...
  9. Dribbles

    Cloth shopping bags as pots?

    Here she is just starting to flower-up the other day. The sun's off her now but I've been meaning to find the tape measure just to see how tall it is now, maybe I'll snap a pic of it with the tape measure for reference tomorrow. I wouldn't mind sending seeds to India if it's only a few bucks...
  10. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    A shark would laugh at a handgun wound, right before tearing-off your arm and swallowing it gun and all. I'd call that more effective.
  11. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    What do you say to stupidity like that? What you gunna do headbutt the screen? Nothing makes a person look worse than e-threats to random people online. I'll drop your thread, not because of any over-compensating e-peen farting out your mouth on your part, but lack of respect. You're 1 human...
  12. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    You got a dog there broe? Dogs are great for depression: you can spoil them rotten, and they'll never go off and fuck some other dood or anything. Like kids, but much less hastle, and they never grow up.
  13. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    You only have to do hard time if you get caught. 8) granted, anyone who knows you hate em would probably make it hard to get away with. But see, in nature if you were a lion cub for example, you'd just keep getting beat-on until you kicked Dads arse, and if you killled him you'd take the...
  14. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    Then we would both be homo-erotic and kinky. ;)
  15. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    Well, you can quote safe in the knowledge, that when people realize they're just animals with high IQs, they can relax a bit and stop beating-up on themselves just because they don't fit in with this fake, consumer-driven society that's permeated the western world these days. Mind tou, I don't...
  16. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    Wait I'll rephrase that: Makes me happy I never had any angry Dad to kick my arse, I mean.
  17. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    Just pondering that now, I think the reason soing something nice for someone else works, is simply because you know subconsciously, that you're doing something that will make that person like you a little more. Human beings are entirely self-centred, so I wouldn't ever suggest that the reason it...
  18. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    Words are just words, sadly. I can tell you one way to up your mood/happiness levels, but it's pretty obvious. Simply do something nice for someone. Could be having a play with your dog, buying a gift for your woman or mother or twlling some down-syndrome tardo that their pens look real pretty...
  19. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    Well you wouldn't think you were particularly happy if it was constant, because it would become "normal" ... back down to adaptation: At first, you'd feel happy as a down-syndrome tard, then you'd settle into it, and be discontented with just being happy. It's this marketing bullshit telling...
  20. Dribbles

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    All you really need to worry about is cutting down on doing things that will make you feel guilty. Another thing animals aren't cursed with that: guilt.