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  1. N

    will my clones grow???

    firstly id say that you are killing the roots by the looks of it are they brown more than white. you have your plants on half strength at such a young age is a no no. has your clones got roots if not why are they in the water you have to feed them through there leaves by misting them with fine...
  2. N

    Auto Flowering.. What nutrients?

    sorry to hear your dilema i wish i could help on this one but out of all what ive seen am very curious to the answer to this one myself hope you find out
  3. N

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    it is illegal now in the uk has been for like a month now to many people dying and shit according to the news so they rushed a bill through making it illegal in the uk soz cuz
  4. N

    Any advice on which seed to start out with?

    northern lights are the one to start off with they are more forgiving to newbies. they hardly smell during veggative only if you get your nose right on the leaf. flowering is hardly a problem i use a cooker extractor fan filter which has activated charcoal on it cost me £1 for 4. saves paying...
  5. N

    will my clones grow???

    clones need to be fed by misting as there is no roots for the plant to suck up water so folia feeding by water is a must obviously plus a 60 to 75% humidity is good for the little babies. like grizzlyadams said you need to be more specific about them or post pics why start with 50 if you got no...
  6. N

    Having bud problems

    seen as you havent given us any form of descriptive of your setup am going to take a wild guess untill you let us know your setup. well to me tapping the buds is a no no and seen as i dont know how long you have it in flowering for i guess you,ve killed it meaning once your trichomes go past a...
  7. N

    ???????? Help

    what grow medium you using
  8. N

    ???????? Help

    it could be a nute problem, ph problem, root rot. ph test your soil and feed
  9. N

    Just Flush My Plants..

    need more pics or describe your setup as to speculate your need for help
  10. N

    First grow, AK-48 from seed under 400w HPS.

    heat stress is the cause of photo 3 lower the temp in room
  11. N

    northern lights stem red

    you have a temperature problem i dont think you have a ph problem as you would notice a yellowing of the leaves first. i found that red stems in the NL strain to be ok my buds are fine after my problem. brown tips on leaves indicate it to hot in there 41 celcius am guessing you have is to hot...
  12. N

    northern lights stem red

    hi all sorry for the late post's but well here goes i soughted my NL it was a ph lock out i was buzzing when i tried it on a test subject. i left my plants in there 10in pots. next i dried the soil to about half way down the soil the plants started to wilt a tad which i expected. then flushed...
  13. N

    northern lights stem red

    dam samsung why did i ever buy a samsung phone the software samsung pc studio the new one dont work on windows 7 well the usb driver it installs gutted im going to have to go to my setup later and borrow a digi camera as i need my babies soughted do you reckon if i take them A&E they will pump...
  14. N

    northern lights stem red

    downloading the software for me phone as we speak so i can post these pics nice one
  15. N

    northern lights stem red

    hi im new to all this and well iam in need of some much needed help. i started to grow my northern lights they were my little beauty's i watched them for hours. the problem is 2 week into vegging they seem to stop growing and the stems on my leaves are red. i have 3 of them from seed bought as...