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  1. honda5150

    harvest with white hairs

    I agree with aftermarket420, you have at least 1-2 weeks left on those, buds WILL get bigger and those white hairs will turn about 80% amber. I dont want to see a fellow grower lose yield, if you chop now you will probably lose about 30% yield and wont be as dank & potent. Looking REALLY good...
  2. honda5150

    Hey bud, sorry for just poppin in, but wanted to pick your brain. I read on here somewhere that...

    Hey bud, sorry for just poppin in, but wanted to pick your brain. I read on here somewhere that you feed with rice water? Can you tell me the benefits of this, and also does your PH stay in tact while doing this? thanks in advance..
  3. honda5150

    Warning: Nirvana has pulled all AF of the shelf!!!!!!!!!

    im so sorry to hear that, trhat blows man, couldnt imagine going that long only to find out their bunk! I would request alot mroe than 2 packs of seeds. I would be asking for 500 seeds for the lost time, electric, yield and frustration. Good luck bro on your future grows, Karma will come back to...
  4. honda5150

    Growing without a timer?

    HAHHAHA, that was hilarious man, HAHHAHA, Hawaii, lucky bastard, NICE brotha. I need to get my room dialed in with a few things still, timers included. I guess just chalk it up as a 1st grow newbie. It seems like i never leave the house, well because i dont being that i work from home anyway...
  5. honda5150

    Growing without a timer?

    Cool, glad to hear. I hear you on the timer for not being stuck in the house. As much as i love this hobby, i do feel like i am stuck here 24/7 and go nuts at times.- I actually work from home too so i pretty much on house arrest, only difference the cops wont show up if i try to leave.THANK...
  6. honda5150

    Growing without a timer?

    WHEW, thanks alot for that, what a relief to hear that. I didnt think plants were smart enough to know if i was off by a few minutes. What, are they going to tell me, " HEY you were 4 minutes late with shutting out the lights dad, fuck off, im going hermie on you" LOL.... thanks alot for the...
  7. honda5150

    First-timer growing outdoors

    Good choice my friend, N. Lights i have now, and its the BOMB!
  8. honda5150

    Growing without a timer?

    I apologize for not posting this clear, I am very aware that i need a timer, my question still remains? I have been NO MORE than 2-5 minutes off on switching the lights on or off, am i ok so far? Meaning, you dont think the pl;ants could have known that little time and are hermies now do you...
  9. honda5150

    Growing without a timer?

    thank you, appreciate the feedback. I am aware that i need to get a timer, but what i really want to know is, AM I OK so far?????
  10. honda5150

    Growing without a timer?

    when you say mess up, do you mean by 5 minutes? or 30 minutes or more?
  11. honda5150

    Growing without a timer?

    Ok, thanks for the advice. I will get some timers, I have NEVER been more than 5 minutes off either way, will the plants notice that little bit? I dont leave the house for anything since i work from home, and watch my 2 girls at home once they are out of school. So, being here is not the...
  12. honda5150

    Growing without a timer?

    I havent used a timer at all so far and i am ab out 6 weeks in, 4 weeks in veg, now 2nd week flower. I was on 24 hrs for veg but now since i am in flowering i am 12/12. I have the lights on 7am-7pm daily, then off 7pm-7am daily but without a timer. I have always made sure to turn on/ off within...
  13. honda5150

    BigSkyBudTHC's Perpetual Grow...Lots of Pictures and Strains...All Comments Welcome

    dude, mail me a clone of that afgooey. WOW, that looks yummy
  14. honda5150

    The Cost of Growing

    LOL, thanks for keeping my company, hahaha. Happy growing bud...
  15. honda5150

    Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

    correct, let nature take its course, even if they are crinkled, let them fall off. Those leaves help yield and feed the buds.... happy growing bud..
  16. honda5150

    The Cost of Growing

    i just realized that after i posted. lol. I was looking at this forum for light consumption and got caught up on an old conversation. I thought it seemed lonely in here.
  17. honda5150

    The Cost of Growing

    this statement makes no sense, i call BS
  18. honda5150

    Plant trouble please help

    you need to go to the "newbie central " and read 101 ALREADY ASKED QUESTIONS. Everything you just asked is already answered there 100 times. temps, ph, plant problems, everything you need to know to start out. Ideal PH is between 6.3-6.8
  19. honda5150

    New grower, leaves yellow/brown curl/pics

    I know the answer but since you werent willing to look around the forum to this answer question that is listed 1000 times, you'll have to look for yourself. There are several places you can look? where it says "MARIJUANA PLANT PROBLEMS"" instead of looking at the 2nd post that says "Have A Plant...