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  1. nicksol86

    the issue with Lucas formula

    I did a whole run with Lucas Formula but didn't pull much, the whole grow was a bad environment and set up. I got it fixed now and hoping I do much better this run than 2 ounces per plant like my first run. Lol. It was dank but lacked weight
  2. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    Yeah my caregiver only did like the same 3 or 4 strains every time. Lame and boring and gets old fast. Gotta be able to switch it
  3. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    I've learned so much about hydro growing the past few years and now I'm finally getting to test my knowledge. Still learning of course but it's a fun hobby watching your plants grow up and raising them. There like my other kids. Lol. I had a couple buddies who have had nothing but problems...
  4. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    I choose to grow from seed over cloning. I'd rather spend a little cash to always have new strains in my garden verses the same boring shit over and over. A big reason I jumped ship from my caregiver. Cuz they grow the same shit year after year. It's good but I developed a tolerance for his...
  5. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    I prefer Indicas to grow due to shorter and bushier. I have problems with short ceilings where I'm growing so indicas are a better choice for me. I'm loving Barney's farm. Trying allot of his strains before I go to a different bank.
  6. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    I'm noticing some strains are going faster than the others. But one that had lots of white hairs is fattening up like crazy compared to the others and she seems behind the others for now but I'm sure she will catch up. Notice strains are all different. I'm doing like half Indica dominant and...
  7. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    Got my jewelers loupe in mail today. 30x and 60x with 2 lil led lights on it. Pretty cool looking at the trichomes. I see why you need one. You can't see that shit with your eyes. Looks so cool magnified though. Wow. Pretty neat. Now I'll know when to harvest because I'm looking for...
  8. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    I also got my jewelry Loupe in the mail today with led light. 30x or 60x. It's pretty cool looking at the trichs with it, looks gnarly
  9. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    Everything is starting to smell really nice and starting to get bigger every day. Got a dehumidifier again so I should be good to go. 80 percent humidity for a few days but I resolved that problem. Back down to 60 percent already and I just started running it couple hours ago
  10. nicksol86

    How long do you flush DWC?

    Two weeks? I thought that was to flush soil or coco. I read somewhere 2 weeks is too long for hydro. Why you flush so long? Are you in soil or hydro airwalker?
  11. nicksol86

    How long do you flush DWC?

    As the title says. How long do u flush for? Interested to see what different people say. I heard 3 to 5 days?
  12. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    Thank the voters and god for Michigan medical marijuana :D I can't wait til my first crop. I just can't wait to see how it looks and smells and tastes and super excited about making my own wax with my sugar leaf trim and small lower buds. Yum. Wax is my favorite. I rarely smoke bud but can't...
  13. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    I flipped them to 12 and 12 6 weeks ago today. I'm thinking I got about 4 weeks left, maybe longer on some strains that I got from a friend which are leaning to be sativas or sativa hybrids but some should be done in 4 weeks. But I'll check my trichs in 2 weeks starting and keep an eye on them...
  14. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    I've stopped giving them Gro all together so should not be the case. I use half tsp calimagic in 0ppm ro water, brings it around the 200ppm range. Then 1 tsp per gal of micro, 1 1/2 tsp per gal of bloom. 1 tsp per gal liquid koolbloom then 2ml per gal hydroguard. I am not using gro no more so...
  15. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    Thanks bud. Happy growing to you too. Can't wait til my first real legal harvest. Getting excited. Especially since the bills are fucking each other and multiplying. Lol I love growing but damn it's expensive to get everything you need to start up, then getting stuff when you run in to...
  16. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    So I should probably say I'm going on week 5 instead of week 6 since the transition isn't counted as a week of flower? I never got any burn on my plants until I heavily defoliated fan leaves a week or so ago. That's when they started to burn a little. I have been dropping ppms if they rose...
  17. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    1000 watt old school reliable magnetic ballast with 1000 w eye hortilux bulb.
  18. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    Some pics for you to go off of. Taken tonight at 5 weeks and 6 days from switching to 12 and 12. They are finally starting to smell good thank god. They smell dank and bomb as fuck and there just starting. Some really good smells. 8 different strains in my room ATM.
  19. nicksol86

    5 weeks and a couple days in flower

    Thank you for the reassurance. I was getting worried. Lol noob issues. Week 6 starts tomorrow so not too much longer
  20. nicksol86

    When do buds fatten up?

    Lights come on in about 4 hours. I'll take some pictures later and post them to see what you think