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  1. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I'm starting with rooted clones this run as well. From a friend who's helping me get going again so I don't got to wait weeks to a month for foreign seeds.
  2. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I vegged under t5 5 weeks, last week I vegged 1000 watt mh before I flipped to 1000 watt hps. Seeds were started in rapid rooter plugs
  3. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I think I may have transplanted wrong at the beginning also. My roots were OK but could of been better also.
  4. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    My blueblab Meter measures water temp, ppm, ec, and ph. It's an all in one Meter. I have 2 general hydroponics air pumps. 4 sites each.
  5. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I'm going to use good soil, pro mix. But bugs still happen in soil so I'm not looking forward to that. I like my hydro set up cuz its bug free. I just do single 5 gallon buckets in Dwc. Never tried anything else
  6. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    Next run I will do 2 air stoned per bucket instead of 1 each like I did this time. Maybe double the bubbles might help. That and not chopping at 8 weeks might help when I knew they were not ready but my buds weren't getting any bigger. I kept finding more seeds instead so I said fuck it and...
  7. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    My wife's pissed at me too for the money I put into it. And what I got back was not even a small fraction. Next run better be worth it or I think I'm done. Im trying half soil and half hydro next run. Maybe soil will be more forgiving for me.
  8. nicksol86

    What to add to promix soil?

    I'll also have to do research on ppm and ph for soil as its different than what I know in dwc
  9. nicksol86

    What to add to promix soil?

    And when using hydro nutes do you still brew teas or is that more for organics?
  10. nicksol86

    What to add to promix soil?

    Is peat already in the promix or do you add it? I understand I can add perlite if I'd like too but don't have too. But do I add peat or is it in the soil already? I'm confused on that part
  11. nicksol86

    What to add to promix soil?

    I only have a expensive bluelab hydro tester for mixing and feeding. What's some good cheaper soil testers that are reliable?
  12. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    Maybe I'll try 2 hydro with hydroguard and 2 with sterile and see if there is a difference there as well
  13. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I know that's what sodium hypoclorite is. That's why I didn't use it. Lol are you saying sterile is better? I thought it'd be a pain having to add h202 every 3 or 4 days. I can't give up hydro, my buddy won't let me and I can't give up either. Too much invested and I'll make it better. But...
  14. nicksol86

    What to add to promix soil?

    What kind of stuff do I add to make it better? Going to use general hydroponics Flora trio nutrients. Do I add vermiculite and perlite? Anything else? Bat guano or worm castings or what do I do? I only know hydro. What do you mix with your promix soil? I don't have time to make super soil. I...
  15. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I'm putting foam insulation up to build a better room this next run. Instead of cheap blast plastic roll that I used to build my current room
  16. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I changed buckets weekly with fresh nutes. Started at quarter strength and slowly worked my way up. Never saw any burn until I tried to go past 650 or 700ppm in flower. They all looked really healthy and good in veg and when I flipped them. I made mistakes in flowering and I won't make the...
  17. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I used hydroguard. General hydroponics Flora trio. I used h202 from hydro shop to help when I had root rot but stopped it when it went away and used hydroguard from then on out. I still have h202 to try and compare a sterile run to a hydroguard run. I have a buddy who does sterile and mixes up...
  18. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    I described everything above buddy. Scroll towards the top and it's all there
  19. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    OK I'll try some pro mix soil run next run and I'll try 4 hydro buckets to see if I can improve it and see what I like better at the end. You've inspired me to try it. I will use 2 stones per hydro bucket next run. Maybe more oxygen will help my hydro plants. And I did learn allot my first...
  20. nicksol86

    Discouraged, help me please for next run

    Using 2 general hydroponics air pumps. 4 air tubing sites per pump.