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  1. bballin420

    Looking for Outdoor Growers- WA, Oregon Area

    yeah i know, its hard gettin info on this. all i can say that if you live in western washington. do not plant yet. wait till may or june. thats when i ussually plant outdoors but this year i fuc*ed up and planted 2 week ago and 4 out of 10 survived. and im pretty sure the rest are gunna die...
  2. bballin420

    NEED ADVICE!! (quick question)

    i bet its some nute burn, maybe goin a lil overboard on the nutrients? good luck bro
  3. bballin420


    You definitly need at least some nutrients whether it be from soil or from nutrients. i really suggust some micronutrients or worm casting tea. I wouldnt put them outside just yet, or at least through life as it is :sad: i made the mistake of puttting the babys outside way to early this...
  4. bballin420

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    hey thanks for the guide! Im thinking of buying some foxfarm nutes for my aerogarden but i cant decide what ones gunna be best for the veg stage. GROW BIG is what im thinking but not sure.
  5. bballin420

    New grow from bagseed

    i couldnt even get on the page! It said it was corrupt well looks like you might get a couple good pumpkins too :-P its goin along real well. nice hindu skunk, mmmmmm, my favorite
  6. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    the babys have grown a bit since yesterday, growth seems a bit slow so far though. they are just showing their baby true leaves hopefully they grow faster soon the other seeds i planted are yet to pop from the surface :wall: i'll probbly post some pics later tonight if you guys want.
  7. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    thanks mygirls, just went across the street to pick up some full spec cfls.
  8. bballin420

    New grow from bagseed

    definatly subscribing on this one. you should check my fluoro grow out too. Looks good so far. good luck :mrgreen:
  9. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    I decided to plant 4 more pre-germinated seeds. So looks like im off to get some more lights. haha :bigjoint:
  10. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    the 3 that sprouted are doing great so far. The other three are trying to shoot out of the dirt, their stems are in an upside down U shape in the soil. heres some pics (not the best camera, sorry.)
  11. bballin420

    Aerogrow by ballin420 pics included.

    you cant see the spots so well, but if you can, they are wierd arent they? time to wake n bake haha bongsmilie UPDATE ON GROW: I can see the last of the 3 plants starting to drop its shell. They all look good so far but this one im not too sure about.
  12. bballin420

    Aerogrow by ballin420 pics included.

    wierd purple dots are on the miniture leaves that are forming. Ive never seen this, any idea of what it is? ill post some pics in a minute
  13. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    3 of 6 have so far sprouted I plan on transplanting them into pots once their first true leaves are shown :bigjoint:
  14. bballin420

    Aerogrow by ballin420 pics included.

    I got a aerogarden 6 with the "advanced growing system"
  15. bballin420

    Aerogrow by ballin420 pics included.

    so far the little waterdrop leaves are trying their hardest to drop the seed, not much to look at so far, but hopefully it will soon. haha, dont worry ther'll be pics soon. well. ive had friends use them before and they turned out fine. personly i dont have that much experience with them though
  16. bballin420

    Fluorescent grow

    Day one- some seeds have shown their root, some of which are going be grown in the aerogarden, but otherwise the rest which this post is for will be for dirt. i plan on planting in seedling soil tomorow. :leaf: -ballin420 i dont mind if you post responses if necessary.
  17. bballin420

    Aerogrow by ballin420 pics included.

    A while back i decided im guna try growing some pot in the aerogarden instead of just basil. My first try my plants died becuase i added nutes wayyy to soon and they died :sad: so no heres a new generation. This time im not gunna add nutes for 2 weeks or so. I got my camera back from my friend...
  18. bballin420

    Legalization in california (Bill AB 390)

    to norcal, yeah, thats a pretty good point but it would be pretty great to just have to go to a smoke shop and buy some cheap bud
  19. bballin420

    Legalization in california (Bill AB 390)

    As many west coast US citizens know, californias assembly man Ammiono has intrudeced the legalization of marijuana for people age 21 and over. also known as bill AB 390 Does anyone know when this vote is taking place? cuz i am totally guna move if this passes :peace: Comment away :bigjoint...
  20. bballin420

    when to harvest day or night?

    I would definitly say that you should harvest around 6 in the morning. this is ussually the rule with all herbs. good luck :mrgreen: