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  1. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Yes they are smaller than they should be, but I promise they will be beautiful when we get there. Peace!!
  2. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Weird, didn't get notified of your post, ECMo.. Seedlings are doing better, now! I've never run into a problem of to much light before. I think in my excitement I almost fried them lol. I will post some pics soon as they were stunted but are now growing again. Peace!!
  3. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Think I may have figured it out. I think I got lazy... In the beginning I was sifting my perlite to get rid of dust and the small pieces. I read that the dust clogs the roots. Will be sifting my next run, we will c. Peace!!
  4. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Here is a weird one to try and figure out, What happened?? I ran 600w digital in a 4x4 for awhile. Could usually get 16-20z in SoG w/o even trying hard. Same system moved to a 3x3 and I can barely get 16 on a good run.... Can anyone explain what I've done wrong!! I figured with the tighter...
  5. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Thanks man, little one is a yr n a half now lol. Why not just take greater precautions on smell rather than downsizing?? Should be a good show with a twist coming soon!.! Peace!!
  6. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Nice Quag, I have some PK to pop later on. ECMo, how's it going man?? I had a baby a while back so stepped back a bit. Back into it now tho. Catching up on all that I missed lol. Peace!!
  7. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Sorry for the delay in posts, slow going as just starting out with fresh seedlings. Peace!!
  8. Shaggn

    Rollitup Community Comp I had an awesome pheno of Barney Farms LSD but lost it along the way :( Thanks for the comp!! Peace!!
  9. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    10/10 popped and are in rooters. Will post when they shed their husk and lift up their heads. Peace!!
  10. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Finally some pix. Peace!!
  11. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    9/10 have popped a tap root, last one may just be slow. Peace!!
  12. Shaggn

    Shaggn's 600w Hempy (Crop King - White Cookies)

    Just threw 10 Crop King White Cookies (fem) in a cup for a soak. Will update often as we gro along. Pictures and info on set-up/gear to follow shortly. Peace!!
  13. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    ISK, thanks for sharing that info!! I was going to do some research on autos for next season. Did you ever contact the company on your issues with their product. I've read they are very helpful and also may hook you up with some free replacements for your troubles. Peace!!
  14. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    How is everyone doing?? Just thought I'd drop in and let everyone know I will be starting a new grolog soon. Will be running Crop King - White Cookies to start. Also have their Purple Kush. Have a pack of Strain Hunters - Money Maker also. Checking out Crop King genetics will be my main focus...
  15. Shaggn

    White Cookies Feminized by Crop King seeds

    Sorry to hear that. I'm just starting some white cookies, hence my interest. Better luck next time!! Just a bit of advice, maybe raise your light while you're away to avoid a possible fire, or turn it off. Peace!!
  16. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Very nice Watts!!
  17. Shaggn

    White Cookies Feminized by Crop King seeds

    What happened here??
  18. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    I've heard some pretty good things about the 9lb Hammer. Can't wait to see what they do for you Watt!! Peace!!
  19. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Just use some reflective material inside the tent, holes are gone lol. Tents take a very short amount of time to tear down and stashed if needed (renters). Peace!!
  20. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Depending on how close the nodes are would tell you if you would benefit from lolly-popping them or not. I found on a few strains I actually lost weight from lolly-popping. Try a couple with and a couple w/o to find what works best with each strain/pheno. Sorry needed to add in that I ran 64 -...