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  1. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Day 11!! Things are moving along nicely :) Here are a couple pix of one of the Godbud (JOTI) pheno. Some of the leaves are covered in trics!! Sry, macro on camera not good enough to show just yet. Peace!!
  2. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Still using the 600hps, but run the 400mh during part of the stretch phase. I'm using GH dry nutes but plan on picking up some Dyna products in my travels. Downsized my tent from the 4x4 to a 3.5x3.5 approx., as I felt some of the 4x4 extra space was a waste. I'm thinking of switching to...
  3. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Just a couple pix of the somewhat new set-up ( New hood and smaller tent 3.3x3.3x6.5 ft ). I will be starting a new thread for the mix ( 3 - JOTI Godbud phenos and 1 THC Bomb Pheno ). There will be more Phenos of the THC Bomb, just ran out of room. Peace!! Godbud in the main with THC Bomb...
  4. Shaggn

    Delicious Seeds

    I received a freebie SBR and NLB and ran them for over a year. They were both great. My preference is with reg ceeds but after reading this thread, I may pick some fems up again soon. Peace!!
  5. Shaggn

    Ninja Style Super Stealth 1000W HPS Grow Room.

    Looks pretty stealth!! Only thing I have to ask is, can you hear the fans running on the other side of that bench?? If not then all is good, aside from posting the bench/entry online.... Hope it works out for you :) Peace!!
  6. Shaggn

    Air cooled hood or cool tube??? 3x3 400w tent

    I get around 1g/w (sometimes just above and sometimes just below) with a 600 in a 4x4, using a cheap 80$ cool-tube and a cheap 100$ tent (that actually glows, when the light is on). Can't remember the forum, but a guy did testing with a light meter on a wide range of hoods and found that the...
  7. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Just dropping an update, hope everyone is doing well n safe!! I picked up some powdered Kool-Bloom, but think I messed up my girls lol. First time ever using it. I had some hermie issuses with the current stock, but none of them hermied outdoors. I'm pretty sure I caused it, Spent a lot of time...
  8. Shaggn

    My doc says things aren't going to happen....

    Less than $40 an oz, Looks like i'm buying from you!!!
  9. Shaggn

    First movers for Licensed Producers

    The pricing on two of these companies is in the FaQ. One is $6/g and one says $9-12/g and the other I couldn't find a price.
  10. Shaggn

    My doc says things aren't going to happen....

    I'm confused, the last time I read up on the new regulations and crime bill, set to pass along with it, is nobody will be able to grow their own meds without legal problems. I'm sure I read it right, as those new super prisons that were built, need to be filled up. Please correct me if I am...
  11. Shaggn

    Malathion is dangerous indoors!

    Just so you all know, this will not protect you from breathing in the vapors. Hence why you should get a respirator, especially if you have to hang out/work in the sprayed area. Peace!!
  12. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    My hempy's are perlite/vermiculite. I water around the entire containers top to allow even distribution of the water/nutes. When I water I look for next to no run-off unless the plants are showing they need some salt build-up removed, which I've yet to run into this problem. I think it would...
  13. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Thrips cause a silvery sheen on the leaves, not rust spots. I've had them before in a very bad way. If you are getting rust spots starting on the lower leaves, then it is something else.
  14. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    I'm still learning but know the easiest way to resolve this problem. Obviously with the light being stationary, everything closest to the center will get the most powerful light. Problem I have is I keep popping beans and using multiple strains/phenos and i'm stuck with using the stadium style...
  15. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Lights out shot!! Hope Moe is well :) Peace!!
  16. Shaggn

    Tags High Efficiency Lighting Garden

    Well now, I have to say this is the most informative thread I've read in par with World of Hempy thread :). The tech numbers/results speak for themselves. Thank you Tag for sharing your experience/s with us and continuing to share new knowledge. Also thank u to everyone else that has contributed...
  17. Shaggn

    Contradicting Research.

    So I would have to replace my 600 watts of hps with 1600 watts of led, hmm doesn't sound cheaper to me.....
  18. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    I run my exhaust 24/7 for both veg and bloom areas. Here's the link to what I meant :) Peace!!
  19. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Also have a 5 week update. I skipped the 4tg as I was super busy and did some defoliating :) Peace!!
  20. Shaggn

    World Of Hempy

    Try building a sound dampening box around your fans. I can't remember where the link is to show how. But my gro in my sig shows what I mean. Peace!!