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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    well im back with updated pics as they look great but found a problem =O i noticed a little white blotch on the bottom where i had covered the sponges a few weeks ago but i think i had mold already started =O what can i do to stop this nonsense!! ?? here are some pics the last ones are the mold
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    Newbie with 1sr AG grow, need some help

    lol well its not a wildfire or a vegtible plant lol but it does look kinda crazy the way its growing
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    o ok cool thanks bro! ty too red =) .........there showin alot more growth already since the pics but ima gonna wait a day or two for more pics =)
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Thank you Its very much appreciated! i feel as a newb/1st time grow im doing fairly well ive takin alot of time just being interested in the fact for a long time and reading alot so i feel also that its like a part of me has already been doing it mentaly just not physicly but i deffinatly learn...
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Heres the latest =) Growing beautifully =)
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    awesome.. and thanks for answering my next question n advance lol will do for me as thats what i was thinkin about doing
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Hey sicc,, when would be the best time to start putting the flower nutes in?
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    also when do i put my flower nutes in? should i still run on my veg nutes for a week or so?
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Hell ya im excited =) lol everything about these plants of nature are beautifull and interesting! i wanna get a magnifieing glass tomorrow i think... btw Very nice link! this will be the 2nd or 3rd ive saved from ya lol
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Here they go..... being my first grow im interested in what the lil stigmas are that come out at each internode? the point pretty much where u tell sex i mean i know its too early to tell on the nlights but do they turn into leafes ? what do they become >? u can realy see em good on the...
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    u can still see the yellow on the strawberry but she seems fine now shes going along nicely i snipped her first set of leaves as they were pretty dry and discolored.. let me know what ya think
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    ULTRA NOOB:First time Grow [afghan kush & Blue mystic](help needed)

    Ya just take the seeds out and replace them with a germd seed or anything that will fit in the pod peat pellet etc..
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    First Time Grow, plants are dieing

    well im no expert but thats deff a nute burn or a very harsh deficency check it up on this list how much nutes are u useing?
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    Cant get the Plants started.

    u can germinate ur seeds with the paper towel method or just put them in the ag lol as a beginner i know its exciteing lol dont touch em all the time lol keep domes on and also get a ph tester to keep your water in line when theve sprouted out above the pod cover the sponge area so the light...
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    Good soil mix?

    thank you intensely! i was checkin out the fox farm bag u mentioned already was just tryin to get some other ideas thank you again!
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    kk cool thanks bro!
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    o ok thank you for the correction and the advice well atleast i know dasani water is reverse osmosis lol ha thats the bottle i read
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    fersure well im hopeing its not nute burn lol as ive hardly used any at all maybe a 1/4th of teaspoon into a gallon and the bottle says 2 tsp per gallon,,, but ive studied pretty hard on it found a couple links that sicc had posted and i feel real comfortably that it was potassium lockout from...
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    fersure lol i gotta get a 8 cord or start slicing wires lol the strawberry has some slight yellowing on the tips i read up on it its either a K deficency or it was because of the ph???? any input lol but either way i added a 1'4 tblsp of general organics Grow and got a ph tester today so my ph...
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    Good soil mix?

    any suggestions on a good brand of potting soil preferably something i dont have to add nutes too if thats possible?