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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    black. BTW I have seeds germin of some. Chronic bag seed for the whole party cup :) u should join in if ur not already on some shit.
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Sicc thx bro I'm realy tryin lol just hard bein at too diff places. U. Got me influenced in tryin the whole party cup thing lol I'm curius ne info on a good soil mix.. thx man ill keep an eye on humidity n prob/y add another small fan. Did u have ne negative...
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Well here goes an update the very far left nlight i had i removed as i beleave she was the worse and the main spreader of the bs i have lol but the strawberry and the other nlight seem to be alot healthier and sprouting nice pitils i still have minimun h2o2 in the solution with the nutes and...
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    good soil/soiless mix? what do you use,, looking to start soil

    i was thinking about using the gen hydroponics line
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    good soil/soiless mix? what do you use,, looking to start soil

    just looking for you opinions on what a good soil mix is for my first try in soil? as for adjusting ph in my soil would i mix the nutes first and ph then water and be ok sorry a bit noobish on the soil part... Advice greatly appreciated
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    its funny u say that ive actualy been pondering pretty hard back n forth n my head whitch to do hydro or soil but ive never realy done any investigating in detail for soil like i dont get the whole ph nute thing with it all how do u adjust the ph in soil? what are good soil mixes to use...
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    kk cool hopefully they pull through im exstatic to find all 3 being female =) but this mold shits gotta go lol im actualy starting to gather material to start a dwc bucket too =) i think ill have alot more luck with that and start useing the ag as a cloner
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    White pollups on stem

    Thx a million will take in all of your advice +REP
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    White pollups on stem

    should the h202 i tryed work or do u have any other sugestions on to cureing the problem ? any info greatly appreciated im useing a ag with the pump turned off with a bubblestone just clueless on the watering too much isssue as its a dwc style
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    O ya ive had the pump off for some time now but the sponge was still a little wet as of the other day because i had put diluted ph'ed h202 water mix in the sponge and on the stem where the mold was forming but other than that it showed a couple little spots on a few of the leaves on each plant...
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    kinda crazy but on the very bottom of the stem i had like a white spot which i am positive it was mold or some kind of fungus i kept removing it with a q-tip and replaced the rez water with water and h2o2 for 24 hours then switched back to regular water with nutes hopefully it did some good...
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    White pollups on stem

    kinda crazy also have the same going for me not on the stem like u do but on the very bottom of the stem i had like a white spot which i am positive it was mold or some kind of fungus i kept removing it with a q-tip and replaced the rez water with water and h2o2 for 24 hours then switched back...
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    :weed: already happend
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    already happened lol oooweee there stankin at times =)
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Hey guys sorry its been about a week week n a half and whent through a spur of the momment move i seem to have the mold situation under control i think i was also having a salt buildup starting because of lack of water and nutes during the neglected week =( but they are looking great now heres...
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Thanks sicc u always be comin through with some good shit lol +REP
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    so usualy how long after switching to 12/12 does sex start showing?
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    well i cleaned what i could see i mean i guess it dident look all that bad lol some of the white spots i was seeing was actualy part of the root connecting to the stem just little lumps but im pretty positive there was a little so i took a qtip and got up what i could.... sure am hoping for the...
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    3 week flower blueberry and dynamite

    check this link and look for your problem its helped me greatly
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    Ag Grow Strw Hze Nlights Afghani (Journal)(advice)

    Well I did a res flush yesturday but noticed mold today I mean itsfersure in the sponge u can see the spots worsen as it goes down :( am I fucked lol today was the first day I got a strong wiggle too lol