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  1. Samps86

    Seeds just sprouted

    Yea whats crazy is that i had to females and i transplanted in my garden 3 monthd ago.One was growing nice and the other was in shock.After a week or two the one doing good curled up her leaves and died outa no where! And the one that was in shock lookin like it was about to die is the one i...
  2. Samps86

    Seeds just sprouted

    Yes i know,VERY little light and my light is about 2 or 3 inches away but i would probably raise just a bit once i add more lighting in the next couple weeks....
  3. Samps86

    Seeds just sprouted

    I have a small fan blowing on them now but like i said i have a few weeks to figure out what i wanna do! And yes i love building shit,my babies deserve a nice home! Haha
  4. Samps86

    Seeds just sprouted

    Yea i hear ya bro...i wish it was always summer here cus my outdoor plant right now is so much easier to maintain! Lol
  5. Samps86

    Seeds just sprouted

    And with cfls..because they dont give off much heat,is the basic concept the more light the better?
  6. Samps86

    Seeds just sprouted

    Honesty,i have no grow setup lol im considering a grow tent but for now they are just gonna sit on my dresser and i have a rigged tent i made out of bubble wrap until i make a choice on what im gonna do lol im very indecisive! But i have a nice size closet and the attic is right above it so that...
  7. Samps86

    Seeds just sprouted

    New to indoor grow.Seeds JUST sprouted this morning and i have a 55w replacing 200 w cfl.Is this light gonna be good for these new lil sprouters till they get a few weeks old? Not enough? Too much? Thanks
  8. Samps86

    Indoor grow lighting help!

    I read quite a bit on this stuff,but theres so many different opinions so ya never know! But the 4 seeds i just planted just sprouted this morning and i have a 55w replacing a 200w so you think thats enough for these 4 sprouts for right now? Light is a cfl too.I was thinkin bout keepin this bulb...
  9. Samps86

    Planting germinated seeds

    Ill be honest,i have read it planting it both ways both i always thought "root up" because the root pops out and makes a complete turn SO the 4 seeds i just planted "root up" i took a risk and carefully dug the seeds up and the roots were growin back downward and one i even found was already...
  10. Samps86

    LST northern lights/haze question

    So ive been growin my northern light/haze cross breed 3 months now and shes looking very good and i read up on some low stress training that ive never done before so i tried it this time.Bent over main stem and then bent up a few bigger healthier branches and secured with some cheap but really...
  11. Samps86

    About how much weed do u get from 1 plant

    Like some of you stated i really do agree theres never an accurate number.I would say depending on how tall you grew,how much light,topping and some LST.Although it was some green bud that turned out being very good,a buddy of mine had a few plants in his back yard that grew almost 7 feet tall...
  12. Samps86

    Indoor grow lighting help!

    So i went out and figured id step it up a bit...changed out my 10w cfl,thew away that cheap grow light and dropped in a 55w (replacing a 200w) cfl and ill run that while these guys are startin to sprout and after a few weeks of growth ill have to up my wattage... You think ill be good for the...
  13. Samps86

    Indoor grow lighting help!

    Got cha bro thanks for the advice i appreciate it!
  14. Samps86

    Indoor grow lighting help!

    Yea like i said i was using a cfl which wasnt pushing out much power but it was supplying enough light to all 4 evenly i figured i could get away with that for the first couple weeks,but cfl is what id like to stay with cus they dont give off much heat,but like you said u gotta get my shit...
  15. Samps86

    Indoor grow lighting help!

    Maybe it wasnt an indacendent lol it says its a grow light though,My bugdet isnt too bad but i just gotta figure out what lights i should be running right now as my girls are just about to break dirt,so what would you think buddy? Do i want that much wattage at the very start of my grow? And...
  16. Samps86

    Indoor grow lighting help!

    Also,the 50watt light im running right now is daylight bulb and has that cool blue color on the bulb.
  17. Samps86

    Indoor grow lighting help!

    Looking for any input from all the experts out there that can explain this to me easily,so heres what i got going on... Just germinated some type of exotics i got from a friend and i just planted them into some styrofoam cups(4 seeds).I have no grow room design yet but ill figure that out...
  18. Samps86

    This enough light for Veg??

    Well my problem is im very indecisive!I planned on going cfl for my who vegg stage,but no home improvement store around me sells a single 400watt cfl.So what i just did is i picked up a 50 watt "daylight" indacendet bulb(not sure how you spell it) and thats what i am running right now for my 4...
  19. Samps86

    This enough light for Veg??

    Hey thanks for the tip 2xM!! So yes i figured for right now my 10 watt cfl should do the trick but how long would you say after leaves start to show? I was thinkin once i get my first sign of leaves i was gonna bump it up to a 26 watt cfl then maybe a little bigger have 2 26 watt cfl in there...
  20. Samps86

    Advice on Lighting Please

    Seeds are in tall styrofoam cups and i have tin foil wrapped around like a tent to increase lighting but am soon gonna change to insulated silver bubble wrap.As if right now,all for cups are gettin plenty of light.