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    Where can i get a Small dehumidifier?

    Ive looked @ lowes and homedepot and there all fucking huge
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    Weird ass plant

    yea i have no camera or id throw up some pics sorry lol
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    Weird ass plant

    1 of my girls is doing great 30 days into flower nice buds and all but shes had some weird ass leaves they are all growing together any idea what strain this could be?
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    Help plz Plants in Bud

    Anyoneee? :blsmoke:
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    Help plz Plants in Bud

    Hey, Im doing a small CFL grow and the leaves are covering up my buds and im wondering should i cut off the huge leaves that are blocking light to the buds or will it hurt the plant if i cut them off?bongsmilie
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    First time grow, help needed please

    halogens get so fucking hot man ive had my halogen light bulbs melt when using them in my shop while working on my car, i say get some better lighting that isnt such a fire hazard lol. best of luck
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    Help Adding Nutes to Bubbleponics

    anyone? :-(:leaf:
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    Help Adding Nutes to Bubbleponics

    i have about a 4 gallon resivor and im wondering how much nutes i should add into it? im going to be re filling and re adding nutes every 7th day, could anyone tell me how much nutes to add? Im using Fox Farm Grow Big and Tiger Bloom
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    Help DWC - Bubbleponic Resivor

    aight thanks alot :leaf:
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    Help DWC - Bubbleponic Resivor

    Hey, I just got my plants into my new DWC system and im wondering how often should i change the water and clean out the resivor?
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    Lowes out of humidty domes whats a backup?

    My seeds are germinating right now i went to lowes to find a humidity dome but they are all out im wondering what i can use that will work just as good will plastic wrap do it or what will?
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    Clamp Reflectors

    where @ in lowes i looked in the light fixtures and couldnt find them
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    Clamp Reflectors

    Where can i buy Clamp Reflectors for CFL's?
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    what size rockwool

    what size rock will cubes will i need for a 2 inch net cup planning on starting some seedlings in a DWC system
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    Fox Farm Nutes?

    How much is there full package?
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    Fox Farm Nutes?

    thank you :)
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    Fox Farm Nutes?

    Which fox farm nutes should i buy for all stages of growth? about 2 drive to a garden center and buy some ocean forest and some nutes but idk what fox farm nutes 2 buy? any1?
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    not so noob,but this is weird

    can't help u srry the pic doesnt even look like a mj plant
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    Help with ordering Soil and Nutes

    o, ill check with some local 1's pretty small town all we really have is a lowes mabey some out of town will have it