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    first time grow

    hey thanks by tie them down do you mean bend them over ? and as its only the end of june I'm sure i have like another month of veg growth I'm in the north east ? and does moving my plants throughout the day for max sun help or hurt them or once again should i stop being a newb and leave the...

    first time grow

    this is my first grow 2 outside grapefruit ,2 white widow x big bud , 2 skunk special ,2cheese bomb , 1 caramelo theese girls are 60 days old today since seed .. can anyone give me any help ... what should I do ..just leave them or should i be topping, pulling leaves , are they even as big as...

    First grow pulleeeeaaze help me !!!!!

    thank you ^^^ thats alot of help!!!... now what size pot do you think will be best?.. being they were gonna be a gorilla grow in all day sunshine by a junk yard i was gonna fill old tires with soil do you think that would work?.. then itll just look like weeds growing out of old!! tires ?

    First grow pulleeeeaaze help me !!!!!

    Proper Veg nutes ? decent NPK ? speaking Chinese... ^^^ do you know the name of one that might b carried at loews or Home depot ?

    First grow pulleeeeaaze help me !!!!!

    okay bought beans from Castle Seed co. ..NO COMPLAINTS ...Started seeds over night in water sprouted in 24 hrs planted in miracle grow starter mix... boom... 72 hours later they popped up...2 weeks later transplanted in 3 gallon pots with miraclegrow potting mix ....have had no probs till now...

    Welcome New Members!

    can someone help me PALEEEZE help me this is my first grow all seeds bought from Castle Seed Co. as you can see they're outside growing in miricle grow but 4 of them are starting to yellow I have got thi far but fom here I'm gonna need help what do i do from here ? when should I go to bigger...

    The Germination Rate Report Thread

    Female : White widow x Big bud 2/2 Female : Outdoor Grapefruit 2/2 Female : Skunk Special 2/2 Bomb : Cheese Bomb 2/2 Bomb : Big Bomb 1/1 Delicious: Caramelo 1/1 these were purchased from Castle Seed Co...