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  1. Rossta

    New to hydroponics, starting help please!

    I do have some hydroton already, and I also have a little 2" net cup, should I start the peat pellet in the 2" net cup with a some hydroton, and use more of it to fill the larger net cup in the main bucket?
  2. Rossta

    New to hydroponics, starting help please!

    Thank you very much! I do have it under a couple CFL's right now, it hasn't seemed to take off that much in height though.
  3. Rossta

    New to hydroponics, starting help please!

    So after a year of living in this new city I'm in, I finally took a trip to the hydro store. I decided to purchase basically the equivalent of this: I have also purchased a light, which should arrive next Tuesday...
  4. Rossta

    First indoor grow

    Thanks for the replies, I'll definitely pick up a timer, and some better lighting for the budding stage. I must say, I'm pretty impressed for how well this plant has done with such little work! Updated pic from tonight!
  5. Rossta

    First indoor grow

    Well folks, here's a little trial that ended up becoming a plant. I've smoked for a good 4 years or so, started a couple of failure plants a while ago, never seriously grew. However, the last bag I had was full of seeds, planted one in a fucking Styrofoam cup I had, and it sprouted. When the...
  6. Rossta

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!!

    Wow, this looks sweet. Please check back in to show us how your grow goes! :)
  7. Rossta

    My PC Case Grow Box NanoMachine

    I did something very similar to this back when I was in Highschool, lol. Unfortunately, as many have said, my plant eventually outgrew the pc case, and I had to relocate it. At the time, my only option was to move it outside, and it died shortly after that move. However, I support your...
  8. Rossta

    Relatively hidden growing

    What were the dimensions of your speaker box? Did you yield a good plant?
  9. Rossta

    Relatively hidden growing

    Ok, well here's my situation. I'm 21, and unfortunately I had to move back in with my parents. I want to get a plant or two growing, however if it was noticed by my parents they'd go apeshit, etc. What could I possibly pull off in order to grow a decent plant essentially unnoticed? I've tossed...