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  1. Failmore

    Is this plant male?? Is this one ready to harvest??

    That one plant is 100% male and the other one is 100% baked. But it looks like you got some weed from it. Need close up pics to say if it is done. But it sure looks like it got left in the oven over night.
  2. Failmore

    First time grower in RDWC

    P sure my light was a good 3 or 4 feet above my plants at all times till they grew. This was April 24 May 31. You can see how hi i have the light here.
  3. Failmore

    First time grower in RDWC

    As you found out the internet is full of bad information. Everybody has a different environment and different lights so it is not possible to look at what other people do and expect the same results. So you learn to read the plants. Start with the light way up on low. Then as the plant...
  4. Failmore

    First time grower in RDWC

    Spent all that money but did not buy an RO unit for the well water? If you want to do hydro I think it is a must have...makes life easier. Then you know exactly what is in the water...only what you put in it. That well water already has a ph of 5.5??? That is bad stuff. Turn the light...
  5. Failmore

    Ace seeds

    And hopefully done stretching now cause I'm running low on real always.
  6. Failmore

    Why do Republicans suck?

    Lol...last I checked voting is a constitutional right also....yet the gop has made hundreds of laws making it harder or even not possible for certain people to vote....but hey....those pesky facts keep getting in the way. So question...why is it ok to make laws for one right but not another?
  7. Failmore

    General hydroponics ph test pics

    I stopped ph my water in hydro. Nutes drop it down to under 6.5 in r/o water at 1ec. At .8 ec is was 6.5 or so. Imo if you use r/o do not ph your stuff. Only leads to problems...again this is my opinion. If the nutez get you close enough just leave it be. Ph down is a nutrient and can...
  8. Failmore

    Keeping Temps Down? / Sterile DWC

    Of course you can make a dilution. Just don't ask me the proper way haha. There is a thread on it around here tho. Search it up. I have not changed my res. Just top it up. I dont plan on changing it either unless i see a problem. Everything a ok so far.
  9. Failmore

    Ace seeds

    My 3 golden tiger pheno. Right side is about 2 weeks flower. Middle just starting. Left side....almost.. Middle is coco..sides are dwc
  10. Failmore

    Advanced Nutrients PH perfect in soil.

    I think there should be a reward for using the entire AN line and not fucking it up. Congrats! Also God damn did you really buy all those jugs? That is what? 300$?
  11. Failmore

    Keeping Temps Down? / Sterile DWC

    Short answer is no. I run dwc sterile and my res temp is above 70. I use a micro amount of pool shock every day and that keeps the slime away. Hard to use pool shock in a single res system tho. You kinda want a big res. It would not be possible to dose a low enough amount in that small a...
  12. Failmore

    Keeping Temps Down? / Sterile DWC

    Got a link for the chiller?
  13. Failmore

    What Are You Listening To?

  14. Failmore

    Just Cats

    Cat is broken
  15. Failmore

    Bulbs And Heat Management

    No matter what the tent will never be cooler than the air you bring into it. Running my 600watt light I had to keep my apartment at 72 for the tent to be in the low 80s with a 6" blower on 100%. Now I run an LED and set my temps for 76 in the summer and tent is low 80s. So much better on...
  16. Failmore

    Paris XXX leaf issues during flower - getting worse, need advise

    Weird. Hopefully they make it to the end. Some plants just have weird genetic stuff going on also. One of my current plants has splotches on all the leaves. Been like that since sprouted. Nugs look nice and tight. I would just check one maybe and make sure it is not rotten inside. About...
  17. Failmore

    Paris XXX leaf issues during flower - getting worse, need advise

    Seems for that plant it is to much for her then. The difference between 2 plants can be silly in terms of what they need for nutrients. I pushed past 1.5 ec 1 time and 1 of the 3 plants fried. While the others loved it. Kinda why I stopped doing multi strain single res. I am kinda...
  18. Failmore

    Paris XXX leaf issues during flower - getting worse, need advise

    Do you have a fan blowing in there? I do not see one
  19. Failmore

    Paris XXX leaf issues during flower - getting worse, need advise

    What ec is that?? 950 ppm seems like a lot. Most hydro people are between 1ec and 1.5 ec for the entire grow. Depending on the scale that is 500ppm or something like that. In theory you should be starting low and then increasing as the lower leaves start to yellow.
  20. Failmore

    HELP, She starts flowering too early on Day 29

    Autos force flower around 1 month old. So you get about 1 month to grow as big a plant as possible. If you mess get a small plant. grower...all seem to lead to small plants from what I see. Plant needed a lot more food and water than what it was getting.