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  1. Cannibustible

    Indoor Bagseed, thinking its a lowrider, got a question to ask.

    awight my friend, i will let her grow. I'm thinking the bigger she is, the harder i'll fall. once the little ones catch up i will flower them all at once. nice little field you got there, hope it turns out killer. peace and you guessed it +rep
  2. Cannibustible

    Indoor Bagseed, thinking its a lowrider, got a question to ask.

    sooo, i should just put her into 12/12 now, or should i just vegg my clones for a couple weeks and flower the whole shabangabang.
  3. Cannibustible

    Indoor Bagseed, thinking its a lowrider, got a question to ask.

    Its not 8 weeks though its like 7 from seed, but i guess thats close enough
  4. Cannibustible

    Indoor Bagseed, thinking its a lowrider, got a question to ask.

    So I have this plant started from a bag seed. Its been vegging out under a 250 hps at 18/6 for about 50 days, its only about a little over a foot tall and very bushy. It started to show preflower about a week ago and thought it wouldn't progress too fast with 18/6 lighting. But it just keeps...
  5. Cannibustible

    Very Disturbing...Can Some1 answer me this??

    for sure man, must be certain strains, or mutant inbred seeds. no idea really, maybe my grow room is stressful. i'll see with the one i got still in veg, cutting some clones before i flower her. pic here, first is the gal, second is alot of pre-flower. pic is a lil too shitty to see.
  6. Cannibustible

    my first hybird seed grow

    coolcool. I have literally hundreds of seeds, just know room or lights to grow big. Living in the city kind of sucks for that. This spring I'm heading to the north to go ape with outdoor and to work. Never had this many seeds though, so this summer should be big.
  7. Cannibustible

    my first hybird seed grow

    oops, just re-read, you don't use only hps. i also wish i had an MH for vegged, but i'm poor.
  8. Cannibustible

    my first hybird seed grow

    Looks hella sweet. Way more than i usually grow. I wish i had the space. I don't know what strain i have, i just got a clone off a buddy for these. I'm currently doing a bag seed grow, no picks on that yet, building up a mother for clones. I only use HPS for both cloning, veg and flower. Do you...
  9. Cannibustible

    Very Disturbing...Can Some1 answer me this??

    heres a few pics of a some harvest. 1st should be some curing product, second and third are buds still on the plant.
  10. Cannibustible

    Very Disturbing...Can Some1 answer me this??

    Well, it was my only plant in flowering right now. I've been picking buds off as they ripen and unfortunately it looks like it did hermie. I found small male flowers deep in the bud. I've found lots of seeds, but the bud smokes pretty good after just drying. It's curing now, should only get...
  11. Cannibustible

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    well, i'm going to do it regardless, its just going to be the last few bottom buds. i cant say i care too much about them, probable be part of a hash mix once my other plants catch up.
  12. Cannibustible

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    I think this makes sense. I am currently harvesting buds as they ripen perfectly, once i get to the last of the bottom buds ill just pull everything out and boil the roots, then clip off the remaining buds. Shouls be by the weekend coming up. i'll come back with the results. thanks for...
  13. Cannibustible

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    thanks, i never intended on leaving the roots on btw. my parents told me this on my first grow a few years back, that i should dip the roots in boiling water, then cut the buds off, trim them and hang em to dry. obviously it was just old hippy talk. thanks for all the feedback
  14. Cannibustible

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    Just wondering, i've heard that dipping the roots of the plants in boiling water before cutting the buds of to hang is better for some reason. Any one heard of this before?
  15. Cannibustible

    Very Disturbing...Can Some1 answer me this??

    well, i don't think they were pollinated. I don't think that flower progressed enough to produce pollen. like i said, it grew and died in what must have been a three day period. it literally came out of no where and dried up and died just as fast. thanks for the harvest wishes. probably this...
  16. Cannibustible

    Very Disturbing...Can Some1 answer me this??

    i would have said it was a male flower to begin with, only they must have lived for about two days, because i eye rape my plants alot, so i would have noticed some balls. I never saw any male preflowers or regular male flowers to begin with. i have know idea. but i'm not as worried.
  17. Cannibustible

    Very Disturbing...Can Some1 answer me this??

    cool i did pick one pistil of with a kitchen knife off a lower bud. with a knife, things are massive. i smooshed it and it was just filled with a clearr sticky sap type substance which smelled skunky as hell. didnt get a nasty tap root thats for sure. so thats reassuring. thanks again
  18. Cannibustible

    Very Disturbing...Can Some1 answer me this??

    thats fucked. i would get a pic but my camera is garbage and i am a garbage camera man. Here's a link to what i looked like, . It looked like that except only the sepal without what they call petals in the pic. Its wierd. I would have pulled them of...
  19. Cannibustible

    Very Disturbing...Can Some1 answer me this??

    I have a clearly female plant with shitloads of nice crystally bud. Yesterday i was looking at the lower branches and i found one clearly not female flower. It actually looked like a flower. Like it had flowers petals. Just one of these flowers. I haven't seen anymore and i've looked very hard...
  20. Cannibustible

    This is just funny!!!

    Hahaha, i like the slow mo of the kid screaming. I know what he's talking about. I remember getting really high at young ages with normal doses of prescribed shit. I think I'm allergic to codeine, i've had wierd trips on that stuff when i busted my leg up skidooing at the age of 15.