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  1. Cannibustible

    What other drugs are there besides marijuana?

    i would indeed like to try opium, whats that like. any drug give a similar effect, for comparison??/
  2. Cannibustible

    What other drugs are there besides marijuana?

    and quality for sure
  3. Cannibustible

    What other drugs are there besides marijuana?

    ftr, heroin can be smoked and you won't die, moderation is the key
  4. Cannibustible

    What other drugs are there besides marijuana?

    where in the eff did you find that stuff Ganja Baby?
  5. Cannibustible

    What other drugs are there besides marijuana?

    BUT, don't do drugs, drugs are bad. mmmmmmkay?
  6. Cannibustible

    What other drugs are there besides marijuana?

    grow some poppies if you want. i hear heroin and opium are kind of cool. i'd smoke heroin if anything(i guess you can if its not cut too much). needles are peeky. opium would be a blast, id imagine
  7. Cannibustible

    What other drugs are there besides marijuana?

    I don't know about making, but i have experimented with Robitussin DM, drink a fair amount of that and you'll be in a very tranquil state. If you manage to keep the stuff in your stomach. Shrooms are also a must to try, growing them is easy as hail too. PCP, not too cool. stuff scares me...
  8. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    kk, you guys are more than helpful, there is a friendly hydro store nearby and im sure they have everything that y'all suggested, except the sticky paper. i dont think ill use that. the fungicide and the ph stripes/up/down solution are for sure. well thats it for tonight, ive got to hella cramp...
  9. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    meecrob, should i cut these leaves off before its spreads????
  10. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    Maybe the spots are deficiencies in something. I have given them any nutes yet. Could that be the problemo with the spots? I was thinking the pH level. But i don't have a pH test kit and i use distilled water, which should have a pretty solid pH to begin with, something like 6.5-7 if i'm not...
  11. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    shiiit, guess i better find some sand. Thanks for the help bud. I hope things turn around. I hate weed in pain, specially when its all my fault.
  12. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    so just letting the soil completely dry out, wouldn't kill these gnat fly larva?
  13. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    Oregon, i have see these black flies, 3 or 4 flying around the past few days. If i do see little bugs in the water/soil. what would be the best means of removing them. or would drying the soil eliminate said bugs. Anyways thanks a bunch oregon.
  14. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    Thanks rolla, nice set up you got there. I hope your right. As for the blotchy spot thingys on the leaves. A deficiency?
  15. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    If they droop when they are over watered, when they are in need of water what will the leaves be doing? Curling the other way? Just wondering so i don't screw them up again. Thanks for the input though, im getting kind of worried. Oh yeah, they are in veg.
  16. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    here are some pics hope they are clear, off my comp camera...
  17. Cannibustible

    Droopy Crusty feeling leaves, whats up with that?

    Have 6 plants under a 250 watt hps, all in soil. I use distilled water. The heat is never that intense, i may have over watered recently. All of them seem to be both droopy and have crusty feeling leaves. I'm uber p*ssed. Some leaves on a few of the plants are showing these gray'ish brown spots...
  18. Cannibustible

    Lighting Question

    Sounds like a plan about the books ricky. I'll do that for sure. Any insight on the blotches?
  19. Cannibustible

    Lighting Question

    Thanks jeffdogg, i'll keep them at around 12". Any insight on grey'ish brown blotches and yellowing starting to appear on some older leaves. over watering? Nute def.?
  20. Cannibustible

    Lighting Question

    yeah, its 250 hps, i dont want to know how close i can put it, i would like to know how far i can put it, with it still having a good lumen count on the canopy. thanks anyways