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  1. jfgordon1

    which riu member do you want to smoke with most???

    Really? No one wants to spark one up with me :(
  2. jfgordon1

    Do you pee in the shower?

    CreepyStevie... you never surprise me lol! Best thread I've read in awhile. +rep OP
  3. jfgordon1

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    Keep up the good fight, brotha
  4. jfgordon1

    post count contest

    Honestly, I bet you'd win lol Weren't you one of the peeps that lost their account then everyone tried to boost your rep back up ;)
  5. jfgordon1

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    Kodank is so smart :D
  6. jfgordon1

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    We're color blind man :lol:
  7. jfgordon1

    Nattyhead357, billcollector99, Bajafox, Ganjabitch, Mkmkli49's Toke N Talk

    Am I allowed to post in this thread? Is this a not so secret club? Is there initiation ?
  8. jfgordon1

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    Yeah, i believe so. That's pretty bad though... it changed like yesterday and we still can't remember exactly what color it was lol
  9. jfgordon1

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    When you guys are saying "green was better". Are you referring to the previous format? or the 2 formats ago? I enjoyed the super green format " Blazin 07" or whatever it was called . like back when i signed up. @ dots - yulp, don't really give a shit either
  10. jfgordon1

    Renaming a Thread?

    What Dr. is trying to say is... you can't :lol: I'm in a super sarcastic mood tonight... not sure whats up with me *shrug*
  11. jfgordon1

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    I was happy with the site till january 2009 :lol:
  12. jfgordon1

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    Gives ya flashbacks, doesn't Dr. ? ;) haha But anyway ... continue on complaining people
  13. jfgordon1

    Acid Movies

    Top Gun... yulp, Top Gun :D
  14. jfgordon1

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    @ Greenhorn.... What's up brotha? it's been awhile :D Hell yah i remember that haha Would you like me to bring it back? i miss that one!
  15. jfgordon1

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    1. site changes 2. people start bitching 3. bitching slows 4. people start to enjoy the new look 5. site changes. Repeat :D Happens every time ;)
  16. jfgordon1

    haha fuck man. i usually delete like 10 at a time cuz im a lazy fuck lol.. ill delete them all...

    haha fuck man. i usually delete like 10 at a time cuz im a lazy fuck lol.. ill delete them all this time and be able to last a year or so
  17. jfgordon1

    Money Laundering

    you'd have to get paid in all ones though... could you imagine walking around with 5 G in ones? :D
  18. jfgordon1

    nope, didn't get anything

    nope, didn't get anything
  19. jfgordon1

    My bad. Were good now lol

    My bad. Were good now lol