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  1. jfgordon1

    First time shroomin' soon

    good to hear man. Glad you enjoyed it.
  2. jfgordon1

    Damn, thanks for the link. I actually thought about that being a conspiracy... but didn't have...

    Damn, thanks for the link. I actually thought about that being a conspiracy... but didn't have any info to back it up. now i do lol... worlds fucked up man... you think NWO will take advantage of the 2012 fear?
  3. jfgordon1

    First time shroomin' soon

    Dont do it man...... don't do it.... :lol: Jk man... you'll be fine wiith 2g starting out. Just chill outside and don't forget you're cigs!.. I don't even smoke and ill go through a pack..
  4. jfgordon1

    anyone ever smoked with a celeb?

    Not going to say the name... but an NBA star. too close to blab. cool thread
  5. jfgordon1


    haha hell yeah, i was looking forward to this movie :D
  6. jfgordon1

    my shroom grow grow log.

    equador :D and thanks
  7. jfgordon1

    my shroom grow grow log.

    i believe as long as the pin isn't black... it should be ok. However, I'm no professional. here's the newest batch
  8. jfgordon1

    A Burned Down Grow Op................

    Yulp, you're one lucky SOB ! :D sorry about your plants tho :(
  9. jfgordon1

    Man is now God.

    Donor lists can be very long
  10. jfgordon1

    pot prices?

    Are you from there?
  11. jfgordon1

    For all you Americans...

    As an american.... I drank those in elementary school. Then they got banned because milk was being sprayed ...who woulda thought it? :lol:
  12. jfgordon1

    Man is now God.

    Socata is just saying you can't know for sure. And i agree with that. However, i'm still an atheist.
  13. jfgordon1

    Man is now God.

    Welp... now what lol btw.. my mind is now blown. just incredible stuff
  14. jfgordon1

    hey brotha... delete some of your messages so i can pm you lol

    hey brotha... delete some of your messages so i can pm you lol
  15. jfgordon1

    Robbing a bank

    Thought of the "idea" of robbing banks too. My idea is to have several robberies the same time... the same day. In small towns there are only so many policemen. Have you and 2 others rob banks on opposite sides of town. One of ya are will surely get away.
  16. jfgordon1

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Yes, yes I am Bummp
  17. jfgordon1

    Bump If You're Baked!

    ^ mids meaning brick weed? sour d BUMP
  18. jfgordon1

    Construction journal of large trailer garden. 12,000 watts.

    my guess is he's too busy building and making money to come to this site and update. Trying to stay optimistic :D
  19. jfgordon1

    things that show me the end is...

    Makes sense to me lol
  20. jfgordon1

    Bump If You're Baked!

    after closing down bar Bump.... damn that feels good :weed: