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  1. SirSmokeAlot303

    can anybody identify this problem?

    its 2 leaves up top. and a few of the baby leaves on the bottom... it did it at about 2 weeks old. then stopped for a few weeks. and came back
  2. SirSmokeAlot303

    can anybody identify this problem?

    yeah i thought yellow is usually nitrogen... but all the N deficiencies i saw online didnt look like that... yes only 1 out of the group.. there are no changes in variables other than strain. The others are different genetics
  3. SirSmokeAlot303

    question about pollen for breeding

    The bananas had to of formed in the last week of flower, because i keep a really close eye on things in the tent. always looking for hermie's, bugs, etc... hmmm... interesting stuff
  4. SirSmokeAlot303

    question about pollen for breeding

    hmmm... any1?
  5. SirSmokeAlot303

    Reflector advice. Any help appreciated.

    i cant help u decide which reflector you want. thats kinda all preference... but i have input on your intake/exhaust... i have ran both ways when i first started... sucking cold air from the window to cool my light, then blowing the hot air off the light into my room. it was pretty nice in the...
  6. SirSmokeAlot303

    question about pollen for breeding

    Hello all. I have been doing some research about creating my own fem seeds.... I have a really good mother plant right now that I have cut many generations of clones off of. It's been around for years... I was given 1 seed from a friend and he told me it was "special" and to wait a while until i...
  7. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    idk man. we are pretty roach free around here. usually if you have them, it means you are either a dirty person or somebody near you is infested with em. not a good look when you bring a female over hahaha. plus i've lived within 5 miles of here for my whole life. only had to deal with them...
  8. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    I guess part of my reason for not wanting to call exterminator is because in the past (different apartment) I had them spray our unit and it didn't do any good. Took em like 5 times before they finally found the source. And my place definitely isn't the source. I'm thinking its the people below...
  9. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    that is very true
  10. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    penetration is the only way we exist lol :lol:
  11. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    day 38. FF ocean forest with FF nutes. i didnt top this round.. there's just a lil under bud/larf.. couldnt quite get enough light all the way down. but that og hood is definately penatrating. 1000w hps with a plantmax bulb
  12. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    that nepal smells like nothing i have ever smelled. Purple pinesol is the only way i can describe it.
  13. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    Definately not my best run. but im pretty happy with it. cat-kush in the front (still pretty hairy) purple nepal on the back left, and grandfather kush on the back right. I probably could have dont a lil more understripping on that cat. I just didnt know when to call it quits
  14. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    very nice socko. thanks for the advice. my main thing is because i have a cat i dont want to lay down any hard chems around the walls. but flour sounds safe enough
  15. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    sure why not. the light is on. let me snap a few
  16. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    sweet. yeah its worth a try. would love to just finish this crop. looking beautiful!!!! just got a OG hood at the begining of this flower cycle. Fills my tent perfectly! I was stoked lol
  17. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    well the roach i seen was pretty small. it was definately a newborn. I've lived at places in the past where the neighbors were infested so bad and we would occasionally get a passer-by. So i have had to deal with it in the past. but never with the grow here. and before we were told to wash and...
  18. SirSmokeAlot303

    Crazy story. Cock Roaches... Need HELP!!!!

    i will be moving with no plants. fresh new start